Burning man was a cool concept 15years ago. Now its a trustifarian party for jetsetters in private jets to have ketamine fueled orgies. I could give a shit about burning man or any burners at this point.
Yeah man I agree ketamine makes for boring orgies. Idk why these people insist on it. I'll be like "okay let's start washing off all the layers of sunscreen and dust" and the middle aged tech HR with two kids will be like "hold on I have to load my special ketamine bullet (that I purchased in Goa) with my veterinary K that I got from mexico" before doing half a line of coke to balance it out. Calvin Klein they call it
"No worries if I k-hole" she said with a wink before passing the fuck out. Then the main orgy coordinator couldn't get hard so he makes his wife wear a strap on. Eventually 18 different cops show up because one guy was smoking pot in the back of the circus tent
I can't imagine the hell of trying to stay high on both k and coke if I was snorting. Fucking hell. Also, if I'm shooting k it'll be for the express purpose of k-holing.
Yeh I've said in other threads I went 25 years ago and 8 years ago. Big difference. Burners are lame IMO. I avoid them and they seem to want to latch on more...
The number of portable toilets installed proved insufficient for the number of attendees. The toilets and showers soon became unusable and overflowing, and male guests resorted to urinating on the side of the toilets or behind vendor stalls. Excrement from the toilets flowed into the mud pits and camping areas, mixing with water from the broken pipes. Many attendees began jumping into the mud pits and water troughs to stay cool in the heat, unaware of the contamination; this led to many cases of trench mouth and trench foot. The Oneida County Health Department analyzed the free drinking water, finding it to be contaminated with E. coli and other bacteria.
On one of the news casts I watched. No one can drive in and out right now and that includes the trucks that empty the bathrooms which are quickly filling up
So many people just got viciously sick in that recent “Tough Mudder” event, turns out there’s a ton of nasties living in the mud that want to make their home in and on you.
Everyone's got so much hate it's weird, they're probably mostly having a great time, helping each other out, making new friends and all that stuff.
I know it's not everyones cup of tea but that's the great thing about life we all like different things, if we didn't the one thing everyone likes would be super crowded.