Former White House chief medical adviser Anthony Fauci on Saturday defended masking amid a rise in COVID cases across the country, saying he hopes people would listen to advice from health off…
I am the only person at my gym who consistently takes steps to keep myself safe.
I wish everyone did, but I know better. There was a two-week period in June 2020 when Kansas City reopened without a mask mandate, and the carelessness on display told me everything I need to know. And then we had the Delta variant, whose epicenter was Springfield, Missouri.
People are disgusting. I 100% trust people to do the wrong thing.
The "you can't tell me what to do!" contingent won already. Intelligent people, OTOH, will still mask up when COVID cases rise and they can't avoid "people-y" situations.
I don't know. Covid is rising in my area, yet I was one of only two people at the grocery store wearing masks today. The lady with her germy kid behind me at the checkout kept crowding forward into me as well. When I asked her to give me space, she just gave me a filthy look. I had to move my cart behind me to force more space between us.
The problem is that wearing a mask only provides a limited amount of protection for the wearer. The best results are when people who are shedding the virus (unaware, I assume) wear a mask. That limits the radius that airborne droplets containing virus particles can spread.
I really wish masks were required all the time at medical facilities. I think this alone could blunt most spikes. I also wish folks would realize mask recommendations help prevent mask mandates and business closures. Its to prevent things getting worse were that might be necessary. Its a good thing.
If it’s not a requirement these knuckleheads aren’t gonna do it. Either make it a mandate or just let nature take its course.
Considering we are in Presidential campaign season here in the US it will be interesting to see if the current administration is willing to take the risk of letting its officials talk too loudly about something that is radically unpopular among likely voters.
I made this argument back when the first mandates were happening. I don't recall any major uproar about seat belts yet for some reason it's a big deal when we do the same thing for masks.
The craziest part of it is to me is that seat belts basically only affect the person wearing it, but masks affect both the person wearing it and the people around them. So if anything it makes more sense for masks to be mandated over seat belts.
And not just seat belts, we already mandate clothing in the form of public exposure/indecency laws. And that doesn't even have any tangible effect on anything. Technically we could all be running around naked but I don't see any uproar about that either. I can at least somewhat understand wanting freedom and/or autonomy but the people complaining aren't even consistent about it.