Thats why I built a tool that watches my download folder and converts webp and webm to png and mp4 preserving the original.
Its still missing some features but its available on my GitHub for free as OSS
IKR, like it isn’t even like you can’t convert a webm using freely available and open source software. Like you aren’t locking colors behind a subscription service….
I have a firefox extension that I use at least multiple times a day, that lets me select which format to download an image in - from JPGs (with multiple compression options) to PNG and WEBPs.
I’ll update this post with the name when I have access to my computer.
It's good for serving 1st-gen ephemeral images that you don't care about, but bad if you want to keep an image around for archiving or sharing. It has many random limitations with its lossy and lossless format, including a low bit depth, no support for 4:4:4, no support for HDR, and no support for progressive decoding. This is especially annoying for a lossless format, as you'll often be losing data when converting from a format like PNG, defeating the purpose of lossless.
You might be surprised how good JPEG still is in this day and age. We have dragged JPEGs corpse across the decades with newer and better encoders, and JPEG is actually still a solid format because of this effort. People have a deep impression that JPEG sucks, because it used to suck. The JPEG we know today is not the JPEG of the past. MozJPEG is an excellent modern encoder and gives great results at very fast encode/decode speeds.
People might want to argue about how good WebP is in comparison to JPEG, but in reality there are two newer formats that far outclass WebP and don't have its quirks - JPEG XL and AVIF. JPEG XL is the best option we have currently and it's not even close, given that it's a real modern image format and not just a video codec repurposed for images, like AVIF. The problem is that Google is putting its weight behind AVIF, and is trying to kill JPEG XL by taking support for JPEG XL out of Google Chrome. Firefox has followed suit as they're also a member of the AOM which developed AVIF. Almost any fork of Google Chrome or Firefox puts JPEG XL back in, at least.
This article goes over some of the competing formats, and I especially like this image as a comparison matrix. You can probably find more articles by Cloudinary and Jon Sneyers on the topic. It's one of the most obvious instances of why we should not be letting Google rule 100% of the browser market - they can kill competition on things like this with the flip of a switch.
Didn't expect such an in-depth technical post on the meme community, but here we are :)
I wasn't aware that WebP had this many limitations.
It really is a shame though, what Google have done to JPEG XL.
It has a really good compression algorithm and can preserve more detail in a smaller filesize.
As a website owner you usually pay for outbound traffic or atleast storage, thus having a smaller file reduces your cost, appart from the benefit that more users are able to load the file.
Here's a neat trick: When saving a .webp image file, simply rename it to .jpg, and it will open no problem in the Windows Photos app. Personally, I save all of mine as .webp.jpg, just so I can distinguish them apart from other image types in the future.
while that will work for the majority of images, webp is not just a container for jpeg compression and allows for much more (animated webp for example is the near perfect replacement for animated gif yet very few applications support it).
The big advantage is that webm and webp can use a variety of formats really well and allows you to pick the one most appropriate for your content whilst still having a container format that supports it.
.webp? Oh great, I get to install Homebrew, search for some package to convert it into a PNG, figure out the command line options and then finally I'll get an usable version of the image.
There’s various browser extensions to get around this. Chrome and Firefox both have one that just converts the webp to jpg or png. Just Google “don’t accept webp” browser extension.
The worst part is why apps doesn't support webp like how they support jpg or png. That's also a widespread image format, there's no reason for them to not support it.