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YouTube tests disabling videos for people using ad blockers

  • A prediction…

    YouTube: Show them this ad. Browser: Sure. OK they watched it. YouTube: Really? That was too fast. It was a three minute ad! Browser: Oh, right. Well they’ve definitely watched it now. YouTube: You sure? Browser: Totally.

    • Something that youtube can do is open the ad on a background tab, muted and with width and lenght as minimum as possible. People don't want to see that shit, but want the ad revenue, so I guess it's a win/win situation?

  • The funny thing is that I can't be bothered to install adblockers for mobile YouTube, despite that being 99% of my phone and YouTube usage. Video platforms are expensive AF, and I get it.
    But man, that ad experience just keeps degrading. It really wears on me some days, making me seriously consider Premium.

    But now that they are going to block adblockers outright? And especially now that they're paywalling the ability to queue videos in a dynamic playlist?? Something built into TV casting and the desktop app for free? Nah, Google can get fucked. It's ReVanced time.

    • YMusic is great Android app, too. It's mostly intended for being able to properly use your phone when you want to focus on the audio, i.e. you can freely disable the screen, browse other apps, set timers, tweak the built-in equalizer, that kinda stuff, but it is perfectly functional and complete video player for YouTube as well.

      And it doesn't roll YouTube ads.

  • I'm sure there's a way to get around it, and if there isn't, then I just won't be using YouTube anymore. I survived before it existed. I'm getting tired of these companies' bullshit.

  • Remember the time when we used to search for and share funny ads? They could've done that, but no, they chose to make shitty ads that nobody wants to see.

  • I'm thinking about recording my screen monitor while I'm playing some video games and upload the videos both on PeerTube and on YouTube. With a slightly little difference between them: the YouTube version will show messages encouraging the use of adblockers and leading people to PeerTube.

    Now I have to find a good software and configuration to record my gameplays on my "potato" computer.

    • Might I recommend simple screen recorder? Its what I use and it works great!

      • I was doing experiments with ffmpeg. If it works well, good. If not, I'll try simple screen recorder. Thanks.

    • I use OBS for screen recording. While it's not necessarily "simple", once it's set up I usually just fire it up and hit a hotkey to start recording whatever game is running. And I get a lot more control of the result. And there are tons of plugins and support for it out there as it is popular with streamers.

  • I’ve already migrated from Twitter to Mastodon, Reddit to Lemmy, looks like I’ll have to test disabling my traffic to YouTube. I control what content reaches my eyes on my devices, not Google. That is a hard line for me.

  • I may test stoppig to use youtube if they wanna me to see their 4956 ads for video based on high profilation