The whole situation reminds me of a water balloon battle I had as a kid. I kept getting some really good tosses in and one kid really didn't like that. I didn't have the wherewithal at the time to realize I was distressing him, assuming he was having the same fun I was having. Anyway he spent like 10 minutes trying to get the world's biggest water balloon created while he got soaked constantly and balloons broke like mad as he overfilled them.
Eventually, he managed to fill a particularly massive balloon. This thing was absurd sized, to a 9 year old. Properly absurd. I don't even know how he lifted it. But once he finally achieved his goal, he finally staggered to his feet with the balloon, roared a mighty 9 year old battlecry, and charged at me, only to trip on his own feet and tumble to the ground with his face impacting the balloon just as it exploded, soaking him. The meltdown was legendary; we all stopped playing, most of us just watching with bemusement at his misfortune. It was a huge own-goal, a massive self-own, and while I was certainly the motive, I had nothing to do with how it all played out.
I bet Greta feels a similar way, though she probably has way fewer conflicted feelings about the justice behind it, though.
Seems very coincidental that he started some twitter beef with Greta Thunberg right before he was arrested.
Wouldn't be surprised if he got tipped off that GRETA (The Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings) were building a case against him, then being the weapons-grade moron that he is, assumed they meant Greta Thunberg.
Never apologize for encouraging accuracy, especially on the internet!
Besides, any wet blanket tendencies are more than made up for by that absurd picture of Tate on the page you linked to. Also, I had forgotten about the “small dick energy” thing. Thanks for the laughs!
All that says is the police unit issued a denial, which isn't the same as it didn't actually happen, and that there was an earlier video from a week ago in Romania, which may not have been recent enough.
I don't like Andrew Tate, but probably I would not like also a lot of women he is frequenting. There are possibilities that they are blackmailers and not victims. So, I hope that Andrew Tate will be convicted on the base of proved facts, and not because he was not able to disprove the words of his accusers. "Proving innocence" can be an hard things to do, if you are considered guilty until proven innocent.
Dude Andrew Tate is literally recorded on one of his accurser's voicemail not even trying to hide it. You can find that recording and listen to it (the behind the bastards podcast has a whole series on him that includes this clip, and others). He admits to strangling her, among other things. And that's just one of a bazillion other smash-dunk points against him.
From the verge article, it would seem there is also likely video evidence: "Tate and the other defendants are alleged to have recruited seven people by misleading them about an intent “to establish a marriage/cohabitation relationship,” according to the Romanian law enforcement agency Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT). They were later held against their will and, through “physical violence and mental pressure,” sexually exploited on video for distribution on social media, the agency wrote." (emphasis mine)
Meanwhile you're accusing a whole bunch of women you know nothing about of possibly being blackmailers, based on nothing, because you don't seem to have researched this at all. This is himpathy, not "innocent until proven guilty". Where's the "innocent until proven guilty" assumption for the women, vs the 1 man with a pile of evidence against him?