No one is going to sit through a 5-6 hour movie. Well. Most people won't. They broke it at the perfect moment. While I wasn't initially thrilled about the long wait between both halves, it does add a sense of realism in that time has passed in the real world too and the younger actors might look a bit older now. They weren't shy about it being only part of the adaptation either.
My once-a-year foray into the movie theaters will be in THE LARGEST IMAX SCREENING AVAILABLE.
November can get here faster
And Villeuenue is working on Dune: Messiah as well, the man is saving sci-fi cinema by himself
But damn... The books are amazing. Once you read them, seeing the different takes on the story from the 80's movie, to the miniseries, to the latest interpretation.
i still don't understand why Geidi Prime just missed out on that whole "color" concept
also why the fuck does the trailer spoil so much, you know what part I'm referring to.
but still I'm hyped as fuck for this, I was prompted to read the book thanks to the first movie, and i only have the appendix left, such an awesome and long book.
I had always meant to get around to reading the books, but then the movie came out so I watched that first. Anyway it's an amazing world and I immediately started reading the books as well and I love those too