The Georgia trial of Donald Trump on charges he conspired to overturn the 2020 election will be televised and livestreamed, according to the Fulton County Judge.
This is cool as Biden continues out his communist regime. Let the down votes flow on behalf of CNN because half of you can't see the other picture. Trump sucks I see that. But fuck y'all love these grocery prices. And diesel prices cause I can't work without it. My 3 kids like to eat too and in this budget we can't even afford that.
These prices were coming whoever was in the White House. That's the result of the economy crashing under the former guy.
Why do you have a diesel vehicle anyway? My wife and I have one of the most fuel efficient vehicles on the road. 11 gallon tank, and gets over 30 mpg.
I laugh at all of the dumbasses driving around in Ford F150s and Dodge Rams guzzling expensive dinosaur juice. Those guys are morons, paying the "dumb boy tax", and I'm sure they complain about it, too. 🤷
No one "loves" the prices of anything. But that's largely due to Coronavirus, the disease that Trump said at least 38 times would "disappear" and denied for months on end while it continued to spread into a pandemic.
And low interest rates that his cronies took advantage of to get rich during a crisis.
What if you take a drink every time he tries to object to his own defense? I'm pretty sure taking a shot when he objects to anything would kill even the most experienced alcoholic.
I read this as “Erection Ejection” and for some reason that shit alone cracked me up, then thinking of Trump saying, “Erection Ejection!” cracked me up more. Well done, I needed the laugh.
Fawx News: "Now back to continuing coverage of paint drying. Make sure to stay tuned because we have Hunter Bidens dick pics as well! Laptop! Biden Crime Family! NO! DO NOT TOUCH THAT DIAL! NOOOOOOOO!!!"
The last big 'Hitler is still alive' movie was 1978's 'The Boys From Brazil.' Extrapolating from that, I think we'll see the last attack on Hilary Clinton in the early 2100's.
He should. After all, doesn't he know more about the law than anyone? And he's a stable genius too. Sounds like he should save the money he'd spend on his lawyers and just handle his own defense. I'm sure he'd win easily in court, right? (Barely manages to contain laughter)
At the rate he's going through lawyers who are willing to jump in front of the train for him he might actually have to. He might not be able to find a lawyer who's willing to defend his sorry ass.
I don't know about that. An awful lot of conservatives are bending over backwards to explain why Trump was justified in breaking the law multiple times. They certainly do care, and some people have even died over it. Remember the guy who tried to go after the FBIfield office in Cincinnati, OH?
I've heard some arguments saying that if Trump "knew" the election was rigged, he had a moral imperative to do whatever was necessary to maintain the union. The fact that the charges exist at all is proof of conspiracy, and the trial is just a parade.
While I don't agree, it's hard to get thru to people that don't agree on the same objective reality.
Yeah. While I absolutely have a bias and want to see this fucker convicted, I feel like no matter what, it's going to have at least one "Where were you when...." moment.
Almost every generation has a couple. Where were you when JFK was shot? When the Challenger exploded? During 9/11? When Columbia burned up?
I mean, obviously, reading the verdict is going to be there, but I feel like there's going to be some real courtroom horseshit / ooohhhh shiiit moments too.
I think it's going to be the exact opposite. They'll make a mockery of the justice system and turn it into a circus. The media will report every day and Drumph will keep his name continuously talked about. Meanwhile his team will watch what is reported nightly so they can strategize a narrative for "his viewers" while at the same time going as close to whatever line(s) as they can without crossing, but still keeping it a spectacle. It'll be even worse than the 4 years he was president.
I was going to say that the conspiracy theorists would watch it simply to figure out all the ways this is a Jewish-space-laser-controlled judge presiding over an adrenochrome -addicted jury, with all the officers of the court being lizardmen in humanskin.
Then I realized that was simply too much effort for them; they'll just get their conspiracies from Fox and Tucker, and Joe Rogan as usual.
“Donald J Trump is charged with 91 counts of sedition, treason, rigging an election, faking electors, and leaking sensitive documents to foreign nations… which brings us to our segue - do you worry about your online privacy while you are using a public WiFi? Then NordVPN can help keep your online dealings and documents safe and secure! Use code DUMP45 for 9% off every January”
When he was on the NPR news cycle five times a day I started yelling and cursing uncontrollably to the point where I was diving at the radio to turn it off or change the station so that I would not freak the fuck out.
It doesn't matter where Trump is. I don't want to be there. It is a defilement to view him.
Practice stoicism my friend.
Ppl on the left freaking out is exactly what they want.
Treat trump and the gop the same way you treat clowns...laugh at them.
It's the thing they fear the most...loss of narrative.
Best I can do is exude the overwhelming smugness of a 17th century Scottish trader who just gonvinced some Englishmen to buy goods for way over market price.
it's crazy that trump has basically trained us all to be able to understand him because he's basically incoherent. in speeches he alternates between pre-written sections that he is clearly struggling to read, and completely thoughtless ad-libs like "many people are saying this" which he will say about literally anything. and in more spontaneous formats he's just all over the fucking place, he just leaves a trail of sentence fragments behind him until he's decided he's talked for an appropriate amount of time. and his voice, i mean, he sounds like mark hamill's joker after dental anesthesia. they should play his speeches on speakers mounted to the underside of cargo ships to repel whales
I get it. I always try to tune in for these kinds of things though, the somewhat boring dense slow trials, because I want to be better informed to counteract any right wing rhetoric I encounter. In particular IRL.
plus it's more mundane factual shit so I'm here for that, but if he treats it like the debates idk if I could all the interrupting to make no point just to get sound bites and derail the other person.
I think him in a courtroom will be different, perhaps startlingly so. He won't be able to just say whatever he wants, he'll have to actually try to make a logical coherent case. Which, being impossible for him personally, means that I think we will not hear much from him. His legal team will do most of the talking, if he has any brains at all.
He won't be at the center of the action. He'll be sitting and shutting up and letting his lawyers talk for him. And of course trying not to look guilty when the prosecution details his crimes.
I too have avoided listening or watching him. This might be a really different thing.
Free media coverage of anything Trump does tends to boost Trump's popularity, even if a normal person would see it as stupid or embarrassing. So I'm in two minds about this.
This is the 2016 election strategy all over again. “If we blast negative Trump coverage 24/7 people will finally wake up to how evil/racist/dumb/etc. he is!”
This is going to be bigger than the OJ trial. He’s raised close to 10 million off of the mug shot alone. If he’s making that much off the “movie poster”, how much do you think he’s going to profit from the full-length “feature film”?
I understand but he's going to make hay out of this no matter what. The good news is that this isn't a debate with an imperfect moderator; it's a judge who can slap real sanctions on people for breaking decorum. Trump won't be in control.
Yeah but it's extremely important for the future of this country for these trials be freely available so we all have the facts (even if people choose to ignore them).it's just important 10-20 years later so the facts don't get erased.
This is going to backfire in a big way. Whole lot of people seem to think this will be justice porn or somehow convince his base of his criminality but it is going to do no such thing. According to one poll, the majority (77%) of likely GOP primary voters are already convinced the trial is "politically motivated", with only 8% more concerned about him attempting to overturn an election. You can take a look at some polling here, there are other even more troublesome results as well:
No matter how awful, contradictory, and ridiculous he will be in that court room, this is likely going to be a massive boon for Trump, and his followers are going to see it as the realization of their own fears of persecution. This man is an ascendant fascist leader, not the sad sack finally facing consequences that liberals so desperately want him to be, and the effect this will have on mobilizing his base to continue to escalate will be immense. These people do not give a single fuck about """law and order""" no matter how much they pretend they do, stop assuming they will just accept things when he is found guilty. They won't.
I'm just trying to help people realize how dangerous and precarious this whole situation is. People were laughing and making jokes when he first announced his candidacy, and kept on doing it right up to the point that he won the election. Don't make the same mistake again, because while yall are cracking jokes, him and his ghouls are hurting people. They are passing discriminatory laws, they are in the supreme court setting dangerous precedents and overturning inconvenient ones, and they are patrolling the streets looking for people to brutalize and throw in jail. They are committing hate crimes and becoming increasingly radicalized and mobilized.
Stop pretending this is entertainment or business as usual, it's not. I'm begging you to understand that the fascists are already here, and the longer they're underestimated the better their chances of seizing control.
First of all, never try to get inside a conservative's head if you are going to come out with a loser defeatism attitude. 2nd, Convicted Sex Offender Treason Trump will not have any control of the trial at all.
of likely GOP primary voters are already convinced the trial is "politically motivated"
That is the most important reason why the trial needs to be televised.
Stop pretending this is entertainment or business as usual, it's not.
Another reason why it is absolutely critical to have the trial televised. I can remember the Watergate TV hearings and the entire country was riveted by the seriousness of the proceedings. The Jan 6 House committee televised hearing were also riveting for everybody who watched them in full. It will be like that only with everyone watching. The very reason for televising the proceedings is so that everybody understands the seriousness.
Remember that Onion headline "man would die fighting to defend what he imagines the Constitution to be"?
Many modern conservatives are like that. They will bleat all day about laws, and yet have never spent 2 minutes even reading a Wikipedia page about them.
They'll believe whatever pundits tell them to believe.
Not for one minute will any of those law and order loving, institution-protecting, facts not feelings, crowd consider that Trump is there because of real actual crimes he really did commit.
Begging people to understand the severity of the threat Trump and his followers pose is a "loser defeatist attitude"? If you genuinely think that anyone still supporting him is going to come out of watching this man on TV thinking less of him, or seeing it as a serious matter instead of some kind of political assassination of their dear leader, then you've not been paying attention for years.
How many times have liberals been convinced "surely, this will be the end of him!" only for it to galvanize his base and further cement him as their figurehead? Stop thinking that his base has an even remotely similar worldview to yourself, you could show them all the evidence in the world of his wrongdoing and they will still find a way to pretend it's not true. This is what I am trying to get people to understand, if you think fascists play by the rules you are sorely mistaken.
You are completely wrong. Why focus on idiots who won't change their mind no matter what? The important voter base are moderates and independents. If you are staunchly Democrat your vote does not matter. If you're Republican no matter what your vote does not matter. Sad but true. The people you're so worried about simply don't matter. If televising the trial convinces people who are on the fence then it's the right choice. They're just a small number of people.
If you read what I wrote and thought I was worried about how this would affect votes then you've missed the point completely. They do not care about votes or elections, their figurehead is literally on trial for trying to overturn the last one.
I'm having difficulty finding a source because the information environment is thoroughly saturated on this topic. But IIRC, this has been tried before. There was a study where people who were thorough Trump supporters, the whole nine yards, when made to roleplay a mock jury and presented with the body of evidence available to the researchers at that point on one of Trump's crimes, still nonetheless felt they had no choice but to face a reality that they didn't want to believe.
Narcissists and liars thrive when they can dominate the narrative, and flounder when they can't. The Court system is designed around that. Hopefully it's up to the task.
I don't know about that. You should listen to the Knowledge Fight episodes featuring the Alex Jones trial. I have a feeling it's going to be something like that.
I'm just gonna ask you to take a moment and think about the gulf of disparity between these two figures in real terms. One ran a rather successful conspiracy grift show and the other is the former president, on trial for inciting others to attempt overthrowing an election. The fact that you're even comparing the two as if people will drop Trump as readily as they did Jones, when he is still the front runner for candidacy by an enormous margin while gearing up to go on trial for treason is exactly the kind of underestimation I'm talking about.
They're looking for someone that will let them get away with doing the awful things they want to do to people. They're never going to change their minds about that. Ever. So we just... let them make that happen by letting them destroy democracy and law?
Let them "take action". They've already seen what happened to "the loyalist" that helped with Jan 6th and they're not swayed. The sooner they're in prison, the better off we all are.
If the facts require the jurors to convict, there is no chance that this won't ruin their lives (if not significantly shorten them). Even before then, it's going to be a problem. His supporters have already declared and demonstrated that they are willing to use violence.
Thank you, but I'd sit in jail as long as necessary to not be on any of these juries.
How do you even find an impartial jury? I might be wrong but I was almost certain that an impartial jury is required to convict, which is why they always ask you about potential conflicts of interest when you attend jury duty. How many impartial jurors can there be at this point? Tbh, I'm not even sure I would trust an impartial jury with this case. To me, if you're claiming to be impartial then you're either lying, or you give zero fucks about politics and the people around you. Being impartial in this context has some really concerning implications about you.
Am I biased? Fucking absolutely and I hope he's found guilty.
Can I set aside my bias and only consider the evidence as presented? Also fucking absolutely.
There are plenty of people who care enough about the rule of law that would let a man they hate walk free. If you can't, perhaps you should be more concerned with yourself than the implications you ascribe to others who don't deserve it.
I loath trump... but if I was on the jury I would do my job and set aside my personal feelings and listen to the evidence presented by both side and make a decision within the confines of the law... if the prosecution gave charges they couldn't fully prove or over reached I hate to say it I'd have to find him not guilty even though I know morally he fucked up but it's the states job to have competent prosecutors that do their job well. I truly hope the prosecution does a stellar job and gets a conviction and I hope those in the jury take it seriously and set aside personal feelings and listen to the facts.
I think there are lots of people who have a strong belief in justice regardless of their ideology. Being impartial does not mean you have no foreknowledge of the case but means your willing to make a decision based on the evidence alone. Lots of infamous people are tried and convicted even though their case was quite public.
The problem is I believe there will be a much higher possibility of people with a hard political conviction that will attempt to hide that bias just to get on the jury. And they might. People willing to ignore evidence even if God himself came down and testified.
You raise a very good point. I think they should be able to use "innominate jury" (anonymous jury) so that the public and the defendants are not able to know who they are. I don't know how common it is in RICO cases but it wouldn't supprise me if this will be used in these cases.
Trump is a clown but he won't be defending himself. I do expect some rather asinine conclusions and completely non-credible testimony from the defense but much like the lawyers that have abandoned Trump in the past, his attorneys have limits. They're not nearly as "untouchable" as Trump has been and the kind of arguments Trump would want to make will land them in jail.
I think the success of this trial will hinge on the evidence collected AND the professionalism of those involved in the case. The MAGAts won't watch or won't believe a single shred of evidence. This is for the benefit of those who still know how to form a rational thought.
The MAGAts won’t watch or won’t believe a single shred of evidence.
I highly doubt that one actually. It's going to be a political circus, and they're all about that. I wouldn't be surprised if they weave every single movement, twitch, fart, or whisper he does into part of their lunatic conspiracy theory ecosystem, post about it on shitter as memes, or both.
A hot take I heard was that maybe the strike will force the studios to release the actual good films they shelved because they were to stupid to see how good they were. I'm seeing a lot of unusual titles with actors I like, but I'm too busy working and watching stuff I've already seen 100 times to invest the time to check them out. I hope it's true though.
Trump is entitled to Secret Service protection for life. This is not only to prevent a former President, but also what's in his head.
It's already been pretty much established that if Trump goes to jail, the Secret Service protects him there as well. How that would work is a logistical nightmare that hasn't yet been sorted out, and is one of the reasons that judges haven't jailed him already -- its a can of worms that's going to have to be opened at some point, but nobody wants to be the one to have to open the can.
Can anybody explain why thats a logistical nightmare. Seems pretty simple to me: he's in a fucking jail cell in a secure building and the secret service protects him like they do in any other place; except easier because its a secure location.
Sure, he can't be in general population. But don't they have other inmates like that? Just do what they do then (I guess he gets a cell to himself; maybe gets his meals delivered).
I don't see why thats more than a minor paperwork glitch. Surely we've had inmates before that need to be reasonably protected from other inmates. Heck, I'll bet gitmo is ready to handle it.
I'm thinking the Dept. of Corrections will have to build a facility just for Trump. It'll be like Spandau Prison in Germany, a prison with just one prisoner.
Maybe they'll repurpose a wing of a prison to be the Trump wing....
Let's just build him a tiny house in Northern Alaska that has no running water. He and his loyalist SS men who deleted all the texts can be stationed out there until he dies of old age 4 months later
Now I know what to stream on my second monitor while working. Reminds me of the Depp v. Heard. I got that shit playing on my second monitor non stop. I'm not much of a person who likes to bicker. But watching rich people fight each other warms some part of me.
It popped up in my Netflix the other day. Is the series biased? The trailer gave me vibes that it would make Depp seem like a dickbag and amber like an angel.
Not that I have a side but I would rather not watch something that's obviously biased. I prefer hard facts.
Honestly didn't think there was ever going to be a trial more closely watched than OJ's. Guess he'll get the ratings he's always friggin obsessed with.
Don't hold your breath. The odds of this case being moved to federal court (where cameras are not allowed unless Roberts grows a soul) are not insignificant.
He loves the camera when he can control the narrative.
He's powerless in a court room and he knows it. The judge will slap him if he starts mugging for the cameras and making a show of the court.
I expect this courtroom will be a shitshow. Trump's entire strategy right now seems to be to pray he can reclaim enough political power to keep himself out of prison. I fully expect him to play politics instead of law in that courtroom.