Been using lemmy and really enjoying it. I have a twitter account that does me no good so Mastodon seemed very appealing. I joined an instance, made some posts, tried interacting with a lot of people. . . I dunno. It just never really grabbed me.
I've noticed that content seems to federate on lemmy better than on Mastodon even though lemmy is younger, and I'm under the impression this is true for kbin as well though I don't personally use it. I'd love to hear how you guys feel about it - as an artist the idea of having a blog to share my creations as well as life updates is cool but man it's just so dead
So, the issue with Mastodon is that there's no global search and discovery. In order to be found, things have to be hashtagged. The problem with hashtagging is that twitter clout weirdos made hashtagging SO uncool that nobody, anywhere, wants to do it anymore. So, do search hashtags related to your interests and follow folks that are posting to them, but that may not get you too many hits.
If you're on an instance that isn't enormous, try the local timeline to identify some folks to follow. On big instances, that's not usually useful because it's too big a firehose.
This is why Lemmy/Kbin is potentially cooler for some applications than Mastodon. Since communities are (a) not stigmitized like tags and (b) also mandatory, plus search exists, it's much easier to find things! (Although there's not yet much to be found)
Now that I think about it, hashtags are the most cringe thing for me, even when I agree that they are useful, I mean, I use tags for whatever software I use that supports it lol.
Thanks for the tips on tags. I initially followed tags but could not unfollow them using official mastodon app so I gave up. Have since switched to Metatext but Lemmy has way better content so I’d rather spent my time there
I love Mastodon. I'm on the instance. I'm helping maintain it so that might help keep me engage. I also love PixelFed ( is my instance). and for Lemmy instances.
hahah you're good. I might have to try pixelfed! and hosting a wordpress site would be cool but I really wanna interact with people, get mutuals, that sorta thing. I feel like I'm constantly interacting with people on lemmy and I'm lucky if someone even likes my comment on mastodon lmao
Thing is mastodon is a microblogging alternative to Twitter. Personally what I enjoy about Twitter is the people, keeping up with certain friends. They are not in Mastodon so the experience felt dull.
Lemmy is a link aggregator alternative to Reddit. Personally what I enjoy about Reddit is sharing content and discuss in a more broad way. I don't care to know the people, but the content.
On Mastodon, you follow people. On Lemmy, you follow communities. That's pretty much it. I personally don't dislike Mastodon (I use Pleroma instead), but I think, Lemmy and KBin are just so much more fun.
I like mastodon but the content you see is only driven by two things: the people you follow and the hashtags you follow. Basically, you follow people and hashtags to effectively create your own "algorithm." Once I understood this and really made an effort to follow both people and hashtags that interested me, my Mastodon feed became way more interesting than my Twitter feed.
I also like the quality of the interactions better on Mastodon. Because of how the whole thing works, you're not going to get bombarded with horrible stuff in most cases (at least the chances seem to be far less for that kind of thing happening).
But it definitely takes more time and energy to curate compared to Twitter.
Depends on the app you’re using but usually you just click on the hashtag of interest and then click on the + button or something similar in the upper right corner of the screen. That’s how you do it in both Mona and Ivory.
I think mastodon is great. It’s not so much for me as I prefer this style of website, but I still have an account and check it occasionally. Also federated.
I’ve been trying Mastodon for about a week now and using hashtags like everyone suggests, but I’m not getting any interaction with my posts. I’ve looked up hashtags as well and they seem to either have posts filled with nonsense gibberish or no posts at all. I’m not giving up on it just yet though.
I’m with you. Signed up for Mastodon months ago when Twitter lost me the same way Reddit has. I’m acclimating to using tags to find content I’m interested in, but now the posts that do show up related to my interests have next to zero engagement, making it hard to want to engage myself. At least it’s pretty good for gaming news and stuff like that.
I gave Mastodon a small chance a couple weeks ago and just hopped on Lemmy today and I can already tell (at least as of right now) I prefer Lemmy as a platform. I'll definitely give Mastodon another chance but I just couldn't really get into it. I think I agree with you on the fact that the content seems to federate better on Lemmy.
Mastodon is great, until servers get shutdown, and you have to move... I moved twice in the past few years, lost so many toots that I faved, to the point that I'm discouraged...
I like Mastodon, but I find it hard to fully engage with a platform where I feel like I have to share my life. I'm much more into bigger discussions and places like here are better for that in my opinion.
I have an account and never posted anything because it feels intimidating to post my there. (Do people on Mastodon call it post or is there a different word similar to Twitter's 'tweets'?).
It looks really good though, but I find it more intimidating than Lemmy / kbin!