I might need to rewatch the first movie before seeing this. I watched the movie before I read the book and I feel like it made little sense and they barely explained anything. I can't recall them even mentioning why anybody wants spice in the movie. Which leads me to believe that the movie is really for people who have already read the book and know the details of why anything is happening.
I definitely remember them trying to explain it at the beginning of the movie, saying it's necessary for space travel. The movie is just so information dense it's easy to miss the details. I read the book years before watching the movie and I feel like I caught the large plot points.
I will definitely watch it again myself before watching the second.
I read the book recently for the first time and then watched the movie. The entire time I thought this is awesome to see these scenes from the book but I would have absolutely o idea what’s going on if I didn’t just read it
I didn't think the first Dune movie in this series was that good and the reason why was probably as you explained it. I knew there was this rich universe lore behind the series but as someone who hasn't read the books it didn't really gel that well or make much sense.
You can watch the Alan Smithee movie from 1984, maybe even the extended cut with the butlerian jihad panels. That movie explains everything in all details.
Btw I quite like Lynch's adaptation and I like this one too.
Yes!! The Dune movies are the only big movies I've been excited about in a loooong time. Between the crappy nostalgia remakes (which never live up to the originals) and the endless superhero franchise churn, the theatre experience has been quite dire for far too long.
I love that Villeneuve is bringing the craft of movie-making back to blockbuster movies, and doubly so that he's done it with the Dune stories. And he's done them justice so far, both the material and with the beauty of the cinematography.
It's been years since I've stopped spoiling movies for myself and I no longer watch trailers. I do like to jump into discussions about the trailers to get the general vibe.
But it's so satisfying to discover the whole look and every beat of the movie for the first time when actually watching the movie. Yeah, I've read the book, and seen Lynch's adaptation and even the TV series but I'd rather wait.
Yeah it's funny- the trailer "spoils" the plot but only if you already know the whole plot from the books and can pick out the major plot points during the fast-moving trailer. If you don't know the story, you will probably only see some cool action sequences and character shots with some impactful dialog.
I only watched the movie once, but IIRC they missed a fairly substantial subplot about Gurney Halleck strongly believing that Jessica had betrayed the Atreides. Other than that, I was pretty happy with what they did and didn't decide to cut for time.
There was a few things like that or the dinner I thought they could add in only at the cost of removing some scenes of Xendaya in the desert, but I have a feeling there was a requirement to have a certain amount of her for press materials lol.
Part one was the most cliche movie I've seen. Bad guys are bad, good guys are good, kid is the chosen one, parents get killed. Hopefully part 2 will be better.
Oh man, I am so hyped about this movie I'm having trouble choosing what to have for breakfast. It is time to reread the book and rewatch the first movie. Again.
Villeneuve revealed that he has envisioned not just a two-part adaptation of Dune, but its sequel novel Dune Messiah as well. In response to question by Screen Rant‘s Ash Crossan, Villeneuve said, “The thing I envision, the adaptation of two books, Dune and Dune Messiah. We decided to split the first novel in two, so now we are at three movies. Those movies are very long to make. For my mental sanity, I decided to just dream about three movies.”
awesome, really looking forward to that, actually hoping there will be a double feature with part 1 + 2 in cinemas because I missed part 1 on the big screen due to the pandemic
By now it's clear that Dune II unpacks such a punchy plot with unexpected twists interpreted by such fine actors. Add to that the great soundtrack and stunning visuals, and we're in for a memorable sequel. I can smell popcorn already.
I love this story, loved the books, the movie was visually fantastic, but it took me three viewings to get through it. I don't know if my attention could handle the dense nature of it in a film format. Does anyone else think it would have been more digestible as an 6-8 part series? Still great to see this level of sci-fi in film.
I can see that. I can't say I despised it, but I was a little disappointed. What didn't you like?
For me, I thought Denis Villeneuve could have added more emotional weight to the story. Overall I liked the movie. If I see it in a DVD bin I'll probably pick it up, but I'm not going out of my way to watch Part 1 again.
I did too. Crazy to think so many people find it a great adaptation cause I feel like it misses the point of what made the books so amazing by quite a lot.
Care to elaborate? As a book reader I thought it was a really faithful adaptation, about as good as it gets. I do miss some of the cut bits, especially the character development of Yeoh and some of the context around CHOAM, but the meat and philosophy of the story is there. Hopefully part 2, which really gets into the good part of the story, keeps up that trend.
It's been a long time since I read the book, and the second book (never read the rest sadly, maybe someday), but movies made from books are often unable to truly capture what fans love about the story.
Usually I don't like adaptations, but this time I feel they did a decent job despite the differences (which granted I don't really notice considering I only read it once and a while ago), and I enjoy it for being an epic sci-fi movie based on the book even if not totally true to it.
I want Gaspar Noe to direct God Emperor of Dune, but it's like a mashup of his movie Climax and Caligula, and focuses mainly on the Worm squishing Tleilaxu while his Fish Guard orgasm continuously during protracted, graphic, and nauseau inducing orgy scenes.
I admit I was a tad disappointed with the 1st Dune movie. It wasn't bad by any means, but I felt Denis Villeneuve didn't quit communicate Paul's plight enough, and, as much as I like Zendaya as an actress, I don't think she was the best choice for Chani.
Then again, I realize Dune is a difficult book to adapt to a movie.
But I've enjoyed other work by Denis Villenueuve so I'm suspecting Part 1 was just a setup for Part 2 and the 2 parts together make a satisfactory story.
im sure im gonna get shit on here but i thought Dune 1 was the single most boring and terrible movie i ever tried to watch. i was waiting for SOMETHING to happen the whole time and literally nothing happens. its slow moving people in gigantic buildings and landscapes doing absolutely nothing! like holy hell i thought i was missing something but Dune was just hours of people doing nothing. sit around and talk here, sit around and talk over here now. look my house is the size of your whole planet haha, now listen to me talk very very slowly for the next 20 minutes about nothing.
Well, everybody has their preferences, but it is a big story with a lot of background, and for people who love the story if Dune, it was rather nice to see it given adequate time. It's a large book, and there is still stuff left out. You're not obligated to like these movies (or the book), but if you don't like complex stories that require an attention span, then they've made some Transformers movies you might enjoy. Better choice if you want all action with no world building or story.