I guess it would by definition have to look beyond Lemmy, as even content in Lemmy could originate from elsewhere?
One name suggestion: Findi.
Fediverse -> Findiverse -> Findi.
It's short, somewhat descriptive (Fedi is already used for the Fediverse), easy to remember, and doesn't seem to be used by any other major project. :)
Is there a website up to use this search yet? I'd love to add it to my MSEdgeRedirect project as a selectable search engine for the upcoming 0.8 version!
Sadly not yet. I'm in desperate need of a fronted dev, as the HTML/Javascript needs some serious work. But if I can't find someone soon I'll see what I can get put together and get it up and running soon enough.
Google has always been pretty terrible at ranking websites that haven't been around for a while. They are absolutely already indexing every post, they just aren't ranking high enough.
Google will fix it, hopefully sooner rather than later.
I think if you want specifically fediverse answers those are the way to go, but I've had a lot of luck with just adding "forum" on the end of stuff. Seems to give an even split between bulletin forums, Reddit/Twitter, and blogs for any given subject matter.