Min/Maxed our pay to production, analyzed our habits to where they can tell we're pregnant before we do, and they'll take advantage of us with nothing we can do about it.
you can do thing to make it way harder for them like for example don't use windows or not use thair bs plattforms and don't give shitty companies your money for example not buing a phone every year, drive an old car. there are plenty of options but those options only work if we do them collectively
For computer related stuff there are tons of good free and open source options with focus on privacy that kind of goes under the radar when just following the masses. And then there's always piracy. Yarr!
I hate it when I'm in a conversation where I tell someone about my hobby (drawing), and it's like clockwork when someone mentions "have you thought about selling it?" Like sure, yeah, but I'm happy just doing it and talking about what I like about it.
I know they mean well, but people mostly don't know how to have a conversation without inserting capitalism into it.
the hustle is real – lemme just take something I love and turn it into a chore that I grow to resent ’cause I gotta keep doing it to make enough extra money to survive
I've been watching my friend stream video games for a while, and today he decided to monetize his channel and start showing ads, and if I want to avoid ads I can subscribe and pay 5 bucks a month.
This is exactly how I feel today, especially after he said he just does this for fun and doesn't car eif he ever makes a dollar from it.