NYT Wednesday 08/30/2023 Discussion
NYT Wednesday 08/30/2023 Discussion
Link to crossword: https://www.nytimes.com/crosswords/game/daily
coys25 @lemmy.world That was... something.
3 0 ReplyLCP @lemmy.world OP
Haha yeah.
Knowing some of the Crosswordese words helped, but I'm stuck on the centre and west side of the crossword.
1 0 Reply
LCP @lemmy.world OP
Mini crossword link (free to play, account not mandatory): https://www.nytimes.com/crosswords/game/mini
Share your time!
1 0 ReplyPristinePineapple @lemmy.world 1:34, kept pressing the wrong frikkin' buttons.
2 0 ReplyLCP @lemmy.world OP
1 0 Reply