Fun fact, if you drink alcohol it prevents the uptake of certain vitamins. Which after extended time leads to things like Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome.
I require additional information. Just how much alcohol and for how long are we talking?
That is unclear. However once symptoms start you have a matter of days before it progresses to it's full extent. Which is unfortunate because alcohol blocks the uptake of B1 vitamins for days
I've seen this before and it's not pretty. It's like dementia.
Has anyone ever drunk that many beers?
I had 30 one time and died
Hello dead
Well, in cologne the beer is usually served in 2dl glasses. so 37 of this equals to 7.4 liters. if you arrive at the bar after work at 18:00 and leave at a reasonable 01:00 in the morning, this is arround a liter per hour. Definitely doable, but not recommended to do regularly.
Not literally that many beers, but the equivalent in other types of alcohol, for sure. The trick is to use a fuckton of amphetamines so you don't notice how drunk you are so you can extra destroy your body and brain. But nothing the multivitamin can't fix!
Nah my roommate put away a thirty rack and a six pack and took some shots of three olive Vodka the same evening/night. It's completely possible if not on Amphetamines, start at 3 and end at 3 or 4am. lights beers are only generally <4% alcohol anyway (Yes the label says 4.2, but the ATF gives a 0.3% leeway, so companies with really tight controls will label 4.2 and put out 4.) So 37 light beers are less than 30 heavy beers. Add in some time, and a ton of weight and it's completely possible, although miserable.
They sure have. Aussie cricketer David Boon:
Boss Hogg has done it
I take it you haven't been to many college parties. Definitely doable, not a fun time for those that drink that much.
Boy, I don't know. 37 in one sitting probably is a lot. I feel like it's not doable for most? I'm a big guy and in college I had a very high alcohol tolerance. We used to do 3 man team case races and even using light beer drinking 13 of them in ~30 minutes was enough to put me involuntarily down. I am certain I could have done 37 in a full day, but I'm not sure if that's considered "at once" or not. If so then I agree with you. Especially about the not fun time lol.
The biggest issue is the volume. 37 beers is 3.5 gallons. Alcohol wise if that is a light beer you're looking at about 10-15 shots depending on the beer. That's a lot but probably doable. But 3.5 gallons is a fuckload of liquid and very hard to take down.
May he rest in peace
Sad to see the memory of Wade Boggs fading so quickly. RIP