A very interesting image circulating on Russian socialmedia: caption roughly translates to "we fight for our faith". If you look closely at the soldiers' patches, you'll see that the guy on the...
...left has a Soviet flag, the center guy has a Russian flag, the guy on the right has a tsarist Russian flag. Just felt interesting somehow
All I see is two tsarist flags, flags of oppression of the people, and one flag of the people to get the support of the people. Bullshit. I can't believe some self-proclaimed communists actually support Putin. I only hope Russia wins so Ukraine loses.
A reminder: Both Russia and Ukraine are illegitimate states. Anyone who wants the illegitimate government of both states to remain is anti-communist, this does not mean I am pro-NATO, I am starchily against all capitalist governments. I also understand the fall of Ukraine is of most importance, fascism is more important to do away with than capitalism. However, actual scientific socialism is more important than some bullshit about the Russian people caring about each other.
Christofascists everywhere must be stopped everywhere! They are extremely dangerous and will stop at nothing to eliminate leftists of all types along with members of the LGBTQIA+ communities. The scariest part is how effective they are at convincing workers that only God will save them and that they should fight their reactionary ultra-conservative battles against the "evil Satanic atheist left".
There's not any ideological continuity between Imperial, Soviet and Capitalist Russia to attach a persistent national/cultural identity to, but Christian Orthodoxy has been a pretty consistent presence across all three. So I guess the propaganda leans into making that an identity cornerstone while making the three different systems of government look superficial.
Wonder how this imagery sits with Chechens and other religious minorities?