Over time it seems like his extremist lunacy is a coordinated attempt at making Pence look like a moderate and acceptable candidate in comparison. As if they are trying to pull a Biden with Pence, even though Pence is as complicit in everything Trump did as Trump himself.
How can anyone who lived through Trump actually believe this? DeSantis isn't some kind of psy-op to make Pence look good by comparison. That's ridiculous.
Given how Republicans vote these days, DeSantis has a very real chance of winning, and you'd do well not to write him off like that. That's how we ended up with Trump in the first place.
DeSantis is trying to out-Trump Trump by proposing increasingly insane policies, but he's getting almost zero movement in the polls, even when Trump was indicted for stealing nuclear secrets. Trump may be a carnival barker, but he's a damn good one. He connects to his base on an emotional level first, then steers them wherever he feels like going on a given day. DeSantis lacks the charisma to pull off anything similar.
The road to DeSantis becoming the candidate is for Trump to get convicted and disqualified from running. Barring that, he doesn't seem to have a chance.
Convicted felons can still run for office, even from prison.
Socialist candidate Eugene V. Debs was arrested in 1918 for publicly speaking out against US involvement in WWI. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison for "sedition". He ran for US President in 1920 despite being in jail - he wasn't allowed to travel or give speeches, but he was allowed to make one statement to newspapers every week.
Despite being in jail, he still got 3.4% of the popular vote. Warren G. Harding won the election and pardoned Debs in December 1921.
Florida man begins presidential campaign by senselessly attacking largest employer in his state that also happens to be one of the most popular (bafflingly) and most successful corporations in the world. (Edit: typo)
Too many former GOP whatevers are decrying DeSantis (or Trump, for that matter). Current GOP officials need to spine up, too. DeSantis is a disaster in the making for the country.
Aren't Ron DeSantis' goals in line with the exact opposite of Fascism? He's attempting to cut down the size of the government, and basically prevent most government intervention in education (by eliminating it as any sort of federal agency, albeit I suspect there'd still be some "anti-woke" education bills). You can say his views are in line with hate speech, but equating it to any sort of Fascism is just plain wrong.