jennraeross Bottom, it’s just easier
96 0 Replynfsu2
I find that to be true but it bothers me while srolling.
29 0 ReplyTWeaK It's supposed to go away when scrolling down. It only pops up again if you're scrolling up, but then you'd be looking at the top of the screen anyway.
17 0 Replymiss_brainfart
Ah, the conflict of interests. It's okay, you can be a vers
4 0 Reply
Top. My desktop has the adress bar at the top so I want my phone to be the same
57 0 Replyaffiliate think of all the extra miles your finger has traveled over the course of the year
23 0 Replyweird_nugget Joke's on you: Those extra miles required extra energy so we're burning more calories a day than the bottoms.
7 0 Reply
regalia Bottom. You guys hold your phone from the top?
37 0 ReplysetVeryLoud(true);
I hold mine upside down
6 0 ReplySmorty [she/her]
And you reach your fingers up to the top when typing?
2 0 ReplyAnd009 Ah easier that way
1 0 Reply
supercriticalcheese No but I can reach the top just fine, the bottom is just weird!
1 0 Reply
°˖✧ ipha ✧˖°
Phone: bottom Tablet: top
So, uh, switch I guess?
29 0 ReplySage
Bottom for firefox, top for windows start bar. Switchhhh
24 0 Replyaquinteros idk why I do this also
2 0 ReplySage
I got my pc hooked up to a 4k tv like a normy, so it just works and looks better to have start up top but also having the browser bar up there is too much
3 0 Reply
Rose Thorne(She/Her) Top. Always top. That's where all the tools I need for an application should be. Bottom area is for system tools.
It keeps things nicely separated, less risk of fat fingering something I don't want to hit.
23 0 Replyb3nsn0w
yeah, let's just put all the important tools in the hardest to reach spot on the screen
top makes sense on desktop, but on phones bottom is just logical. took way too long to get to it already because of the exact notion you expressed
9 0 ReplyChaoticNeutralCzech
system tools
Not if your phone has hardware buttons
3 0 Reply
Bottom obv i am not a barbarian
18 0 ReplyAltima NEO
My phone's to big. Bottom so my thumb can get to it.
18 0 ReplySmorty [she/her]
Bottom is so much easier. Also yes bottom
15 0 Replymiss_brainfart
Turns out I'm top, and you're bottom
So, uh...
7 0 ReplySmorty [she/her]
Is Lemmy a match making site now?
5 0 Reply
Amy :3
Bottom :3
14 0 ReplyHolzkohlen
Top: phone, desktop and in the bedroom.
13 0 Replyakari what the actual fu
2 0 Reply
top bottom is just unnatural the browser bar belongs at the top and anyone who puts it at the bottom should be put down like the dog they are
12 0 ReplyNikki
insert image of man pushing boulder up a steep hill
3 0 Replysupercriticalcheese Insert image of xkcd of someone who is wrong in the internet
1 0 Reply
AngryCommieKender I agree with the placement of the toolbar. You may wanna cut your coffee intake just a bit. You seem a bit hyper on the trigger
2 0 ReplyPhuntis
I don't drink coffee it's disgusting yucky bitter tea and hot chocolate are far nicer
3 0 Reply
onichama Bottom only in bedroom
11 0 Replyhj01bg Bottom, it was the primary reason I switched to FF instead of chrome on my phone
10 0 ReplyAnd009 True, and it has extensions too
5 0 Replygammasfor FF
1 0 Reply
u/lukmly013 💾 (
Definitely the top, otherwise I am misclicking the tooolbar.
But also, I am mostly a landscape smartphone user. Which is why I'd prefer 16:9 instead of whatever the hell this wide thing is. But with bezels. You can hold onto a bezel with thumb. Also a separate navigation button like I had on my Moto G5s Plus 🥰.
10 0 Replyleekleak
You're a monster
11 0 Replyu/lukmly013 💾 (
Also permanently enabled Desktop mode on browser.
But I also increased minimum width in developer settings from default 395dp to 705dp. 600dp and above is considered a tablet by apps. Fits so much content on 1 screen.
3 0 Reply
bitwolf Top.
Bottom is just a workaround for poor mobile design.
7 0 ReplyMetriximor Damn I just realized I'm a bottom and my gf is a top...
7 0 Replysupercriticalcheese Well...
2 0 Reply
tsonfeir That’s a pretty tiny top.
7 0 Replygenoxidedev1
Top, although it takes more travel time for my thumb or index, depending on use case, it just feels more correct that way.
6 0 ReplyNice_Melt_Pleb I put it on top which makes me a bottom
6 0 Replylinad
bottom : D
6 0 Replygerryflap
Bottom, phones got too big and I want to be able to reach it with one hand.
6 0 ReplyBipta Even so, I still prefer top.
2 0 Reply
257m Can't use bottom because for some reason phone manufacturers decided to remove physical home keys and just have virtual ones. Whenever I try to click or swipe at the bottom of my screen I end up hitting it.
5 0 ReplySmorty [she/her]
Oh no. Normally the onscreen buttons should not cover app content. What phone are you using?
4 0 Reply257m Galaxy S10
1 0 Reply
The bar belongs on the bottom
5 0 ReplyPrethoryn Overmind
Bottom, IMO, but also if you are a top person... you are just wrong.
Google Chrome for Android mobile used to have a bottom option and they removed it. I prefer the bottoms because that is where we naturally type on phones and it is where your thumb naturally lays. Phones are getting bigger so you have less to reach around for with it on the bottom.
5 0 Replysounddrill Top
5 0 ReplyLatte
4 0 Replycybervseas Depends on my mood, so… vers?
4 0 Replystrawberry
bottom, i dont have to reach as far. I've got a 20:9 aspect ratio or something ridiculous like that, it's a pain to reacj
4 0 Replybleistift2 Bottom placement didn’t help with your keyboard, apparently :P
2 0 Replystrawberry
ight spelling is difficult ok
2 0 Reply
JizzmasterD Power bottom
4 0 ReplyThteven
Same. Toolbar is on the bottom but I use the phone upside down.
2 0 Reply
TWeaK I was a top, but then an update put it at the bottom and I haven't changed back yet.
4 0 ReplyNarendraCzar
4 0 Replysuny
bottom :3
mobile firefox big succy though, tab behavior in is is fucking insane but no one seems to talk about it (╥﹏╥)
4 0 Replyaubertlone Gestures, so no toolbar on mobile
4 0 ReplyAnd009 But Where do you type in the URL
2 0 ReplyWereCat You don't. Just have every website in bookmarks.
1 0 Reply
According to this, top.
3 0 ReplyDolphinfucker420 Don't use a toolbar
3 0 Replymounderfod
Top for the address bar, bottom for ... uh...
2 0 ReplyKeith Bottom, although I'm trying Kiwi at the moment
2 0 ReplyDopamineDeficient
im a bottom in bed but a top on my phone uwu
2 0 ReplyAZmaybe9 Bottom because phones are way too big to comfortably reach the top at all.
2 0 ReplyChaoticNeutralCzech
I would only use top on a <4" phone. Currently using a 2017 Samsung J530F with a 5.4" 16:9 screen (significantly lower than most made today)
1 0 Reply
pewgar_seemsimandroid always top since that's what im used to
2 0 Replypewgar_seemsimandroid my first browser was android browser
1 0 Reply
Huh. I guess there is a situation where I'm definitely a top. Probably just one though 😜🤷♀️
2 0 Replyrandint
Bottom. It's what makes Firefox stand out.
1 0 ReplyAvaAmazing For mobile top because I keep accidentally pressing the home button with my hand and it's annoying.
And for PC on the top of course because anything else is illegal.
1 0 ReplyTheLurker Top.
Bottom is for notification, Top is for interaction.
Read into that as you will. 😉😆
1 0 Replyrikonium Bottom since the days of Windows Phone!
1 0 Replyowiseedoubleyou
Bottom for life!
1 0 Reply