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What is the most annoying ADHD trait that you have?

For me its when someone tells me to bring them something. If i try to find something that i need, i will find it really quickly. If someone is asking me to find something for them in a room, it is like i become blind and even if its in front of me, it is really hard to find it.

  • Not being able to retain basic information for more than a few seconds.

    Oh, your name is [name] and you need [item]? Too bad, I'll forget both of those things as soon as I turn around

  • For me, it's a tie between having no object permanence and waiting mode. My lack of object permanence really shows in my kitchen, because I will keep everything I commonly use on the counter. If Idon't, I forget I have it. Waiting mode really speaks for itself. If I have an appointment, I can't do anything else til I'm done with it. I'm also compulsively early to every appointment because of how angry my parents would get if we were even a minute late to anything.

  • I've got a good memory, but talking with my partner he will often say "I told you this before" and it's just completely gone over my head cause I've been slightly distracted. I'll be listening but things don't seem to register and it's worse when I'm distracted by the fact that I am having to put so much effort into listening. Edit: typo

  • I'm still not sure if I have ADHD or not, but it's still a common trait, so I'll say the fact that I keep forgetting everything! Some things, I can remember in meticulous detail, as if it's right in front of me - Calvin and Hobbes strips spring to mind. Other things slide off my brain into the etheral unknown space, and while they're still lodged somewhere in my memory banks, they're painfully out of reach.
    I seem to forget a lot of very basic stuff, to the point where it looks like I can't be arsed, and it's as frustrating for me as it probably is for everyone else - if not more so!

  • Talking over people and interrupting them. I try to be aware of it and just listen more and talk less, but it's REALLY HARD. My train of thought just moves way faster than the conversation.

  • Procastination for sure. It gives me so much stress, yet it's so hard not to do.

  • For me is when I'm talking with someone and my mind starts to wander away, then I realize I have no clue what they just said. This is really problematic at work where I have to write down every single thing my boss says to me, otherwise sometimes I don't even know what task I have been assigned.

    It's very frustrating with my wife too but at least she understands better what's going on with me.

    • my girlfriend also has adhd so we keep getting distracted with each other, its so funny hahaha

  • It used to be difficulty starting things, which led to insane burnout. Now with medication, that's mostly taken care of, but my forgetfulness hasn't gone away, so that's now the new leader lol.