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  • Three strikes and then... ip ban? what?

    Not surprising though, youtube is terrible without premium or an ad blocker.

    And in both cases sponsorblock is needed, but youtube doesn't care about that part.

    • Yeah, I pay for YouTube premium family (yeah, I know I'm a sucker) just so everywhere I use YouTube, like casting at a friend's house is free of ads.

      On top of that though, all of my personal devices all use sponsorblock, because the experience is sooo much better.

  • Youtube is mostly hours of clickbait videos. For $12 a month or $120/year, I can be watching real movies and shows that I like on some streaming service. I don't want to pay. But if my only alternative is to be bombarded with unskippable annoying ads? It's simply unusable and I don't even want it. If youtube makes itself unusable, an alternative will arise.

    Or maybe the ad-blockers will take a more aggressive approach to the ad-blocker-blockers.