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[META] Discussion Place for The Proposed Rule Change

Please discuss the proposed rule change poll here.

Thanks for the suggestion.

  • I voted for the least restrictive option, I think option B, because I believe that everything is political. Even a photo of a pretty flower bears an intrinsically environmentalist message. If someone posts something too cringeworthy then use your downvote or let them have it in the comments. If a user keeps doing it then just block them. If the mods have to start deciding on what's too political, eventually they're going to make some bad calls. Let's not wish upon this monkey's paw.

    Edit: I'm a little concerned about how these votes are going to be counted. I wonder if any of the options might be a spoiler choice.

    • That exact point was brought up by another member and I have since added a more clear definition: "POLITICAL PICTURES ARE A PICTURE OF A POLITICIAN FROM ANY COUNTRY OR PLANET".

      I additionally added a note in the thread specifying what I did. One of the reasons I wanted to leave it up for a week was so we can have the option to hash some things out as a group.

  • I voted A because I would prefer not see the former president of a foreign country in this community (he tends to have enough coverage in the news and politics comms already)

  • I'm totally fine with a political picture. I think photoshopped screenshot memes don't belong in this community.

    I also personally don't like when I open my feed and it's all reposts of the same picture, photoshops of the same picture, meme versions of the same picture, etc. in any community and for any topic. That feels circlejerky. I hated it when reddit would do that, and I really am not excited for the day it becomes the norm here.

    • Thank you for your input. Just to address your specific example, photoshopped, screenshot memes and reposts would be removed; regardless if political in nature, under the current set of guidelines we have at the moment.