I am subject to intrusive monitoring by the government because I posted on an incel honeypot forum
You may have heard of the "Countering Violent Extremism" program under DHS.
They've deployed the tactics used to fight terrorists against domestic citizens. For example, incels. When I posted on the web forum incels dot is, I didn't know it was Department of Homeland Security operation against men who say they are romantically deprived. I didn't know I was interacting with larping feds who encourage extremist rhetoric. Consequently I was put on a watchlist and am subject to intrusive monitoring.
My question is, my computer is hacked by them and they are privy to my computer activity -- as in, right now, they're seeing me type this post. How can I get these rats out of my computer? I just run Windows 11.
Assuming everything you're saying is true, the reason the honeypot existed in the first place is because incel communities often tend to spawn domestic terrorists.
If you're looking for any kind of sympathy, even if only enough to get folks to give you useful advice, "I'm an incel and my incel activities got me on a government watchlist" is about as likely to get you sympathy as "I'm a nazi and my nazi activities got me on a government watchlist."
This is really strange. The Nazis did unspeakable crimes against humanity. In the nearly 20 year existence of the manosphere -- almost the entirety of which arose (I claim) as a result of emergent polygyny -- there have been just a handful of manosphere related shootings. So your analogy doesn't fly and is laughable. Of course, maybe you see incels as Nazis, but then that would just speak to your own hysterical prejudice and distaste, not reality. You vindicate the "precrime" civil liberties violating program that goes by the name of "Countering Violent Extremism" which entirely goes after people for their 1st amendment protected speech. You're more destructive than any incel will ever be.
Shooting someone is not the only harm that can happen. There are countless assaults (domestic, sexual, verbal, etc) every year that occur due to extremism such as being an "incel". Also you sound paranoid and have offered no evidence what you say is true. If you really are being spied on by the government the only way to stop that is to destroy your electronic devices (drill holes in the harddrives), move as far as you can (preferably russia or china), and never post publicly on the internet again.
I appreciate that you feel you're being oppressed wrongly because you're sad that you can't get a girl, but perhaps going to hang out with people who tend to be extremists, adopting their beliefs, and then complaining that the government watches people who do this... Like everyone else is saying, you need therapy my dude. Where you are right now is not a safe state of mind.
I swear by all that is good and true it ain't. See my twitter where I chronicle my experience of having fallen under DHS's "countering violent extremism" program -- literally just precrime. Outrageous violations of civil liberties. All the stops are being pulled against incels.
Buy a burner phone/data plan in cash. Learn a linx distro like mint. Junk your current devices and learn about TOR. Buy a pc in cash. Use something like tailsOS when browsing.
With that all being said, you're being blackpilled. You need to seek help. Incel ideology is a form of extremism just like auth communism or nazism. Its dangerous for you and those around you. I implore you to find better role models in your life. There are healthy spaces online for men like yourself who feel wronged. The world is not made up of chads and stacies and roasties. Thats 4chan nonsense that seeks to blackpill and harm impressionable young men like you and I.
Anything you post on the internet you should treat as public and permanent. Before you post, ask yourself “could this come back to bite me?” If the answer is yes, It’s probably not wise to post it to a public forum.
I do believe that organizations, businesses, and various aspects of the government monitor online activity. You would be wise to limit what ”wrong-think” you decide to post.
I didn't post under my real name. I thought it was a free country. I thought if the country was so free as to allow emergent polygyny, then it would just as free to allow critique of that development. I guess I was wrong and the current so called "globohomo" regime is using brute power to repress dissidents.
You feel that fire deep in your belly? That unique rage that convinces you that not only are you correct about this, but that it is a uniquely important issue and nobody can tell you otherwise? THAT VERY FEELING SHOULD BE YOUR RED FLAG TO RE-EXAMINE WHAT YOU'RE WRITING, BOTH HERE AND ANY OTHER TIME YOU FEEL IT.
Try to step away from your bias here and look at what you've written objectively, as if you're reading someone else's writing. Does that person seem rational and logical or does it seem like they've jumped to conclusions? Set that aside and ask yourself, besides this are there things in your life that are bothering you that you'd like help with? As suggested elsewhere, this may be an excellent time to consider therapy and focus on some self care.
Everything else aside, you do see what you're asking, right? This is basically "hey guys, I know I'm being actively tracked by security agencies (but I'm not a threat, trust me). How do I get rid of these trackers? Does anybody have any tips and tricks I can follow to get security agencies off my back?". Again, without getting into any of the context, what do you expect to get here? What kind of person would reply with "sure I gotchu, here's a list of tools I regularly use to keep cops distracted from whatever it is I do on the internet"?
What defense is there against NSA tools like Pegasus? I'm not kidding when I say they use my phone as a recorder to capture my interactions in the wild (in addition to having people from fusion centers follow me around.)
Assuming you're right and you have this level of compromise; assume that all of your current computing devices are compromised. This means your computer, smartphone, smartwatch, other Smart IoT devices all need to be shut down and shoved into a bin or drawer.
Your best solution is to scrap all your current computers and start from scratch...build your own PC and install your favorite flavor of Linux on it. Kill your postpaid wireless service; and buy prepaid service line(s) instead; after buying a new unlocked phone that you have flashed something like LineageOS on to.
Furthermore you need to completely kill your internet identity and come back on with an entirely new identity online. New username, new interests, new emails, new everything. Ideally you'd set everything up using Tor...and pay for everything you'd need; such as a VPN; with bitcoin or cash. Never pay with a card; as that can be traced.
In the meantime; While you are scrapping your current tech for more secure and privacy respecting tech and slowly cycling your identity online out for a new one...Please seek a counselor or therapist. I'm not going to say that you are mentally unwell; but I think you need to seek some guidance on your state of mind to ensure you're not going to end up jumping at your own shadows. Anxiety can be a removed; especially social anxieties. Work with your medical care providers to rule out any instability you could be facing.
Once you've replaced all your tech with tech that respects your privacy; I would hope that would remove a load off of your mind and give you less reason to be afraid or paranoid when online...which will help you to seek more healthy communities which can also help you aim to improve your life in general, share your struggles safely with, and aren't filled with dangerous individuals who get you placed under unwanted scrutiny.
Really all you need to do is quit visiting the communities that are filled with the extremist rhetoric. I get that you may not be an extremist yourself; and that you may be trying to subconsciously escape a very toxic community and get out from under unwanted legal scrutiny so you can start fresh.
As long as you can avoid becoming a regular of these problematic communities; you can typically avoid being in the crosshairs of overzealous Law Enforcement Agencies.
If you are not OP read before replying...
Don't reply. I only want to hear from the OP as a reply.
To the OP: Before you reply
If you disagree about your mental state; don't reply. Downvote and move on. I only seek to provide advice and be empathetic to both you; and the ones who are concerned for your well being, but are communicating it poorly.
I was providing context -- who the threat is, my situation, etc. If I was posting "incel propaganda" I would have made incelish points -- instead I described what happened and the situation I was in. I even named the program: Countering Violent Extremism which is really just "precrime." Also, since feds are privy to my online activity in real-time, whose to say they aren't brigading this thread?
People who are put in an open-air prison by the surveillance state -- and are deliberately made aware of it so that chodes at DHS can take credit for "prevention" -- will invariably sound a little unhinged when they air their grievance and, indeed, that's something feds count on.