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  • Yes I've had that. No it's not normal. Best case it's an anal fissure, i.e. a tear in your butthole. If it's a regular thing that means either it's not healing or it's tearing repeatedly. In both cases you need to talk to a doctor and figure out what's going on.

    More likely is hemorrhoids. Also you need to talk to a doctor about that. Even if they seem fine, chances are they're subtly and infrequently making your life far more miserable than it needs to be.

    It could also be several other things, diseases, damage, etc. In all cases you need to talk to your doctor to figure out what it is.

  • I've been told by a gastroenterologist that ANY blood in stool is bad. There should be none. Ever. Go see a doctor

  • No, not normal at all. Being a patient with UC I can tell you that if blood is bright red, it means it comes from either the colon, rectum, or anus being the latter possibly due to hemorrhoids. If stool is very dark, like almost black, the bleeding is most likely from the upper digestive system being the stomach or esophagus possibly the culprits.

    Either way, I strongly suggest you go to a doctor and check what's going on. Blood on stools is something serious that needs attention immediately.

  • Like if you vomit and there's blood, there's a big difference between dark, dried blood, and fresh red blood. But anyway, this can vary vastly in severity, from simply rectal tears near the surface, to Chrohn's disease or tumors. You may wish to read this page (scroll to lower GI in particular) and it would be good to ask a medical professional and not just Lemmy.

  • If there is blood in your urine or stool, then you should definitely see your doctor. Blood in urine indicates something is wrong in or around your kidneys and blood in the stool indicates there is a tear or something wrong somewhere in your GI tract.

  • Are you on any medication? I used to bleed everything I pooped when I was on a certain antidepressant, made multiple doctors visits where they tried a few different things. But then when I stopped taking the antidepressants it went away pretty quickly.

  • Sometimes you can tear your tract, I don't mean with sex etc., but with forcing a large stool etc.

    You should go to the doctor and get it checked out. It's embarrassing but:

    Sometimes it's a sign of bowel cancer.

  • Go to the doc and get checked out. It could be anything from cancer to an anal fissure.

    Even if it's not life threatening it will slowly get worse and the surgery to fix it if it does is one of the most painful experiences you can have. Better to address a hemorrhoid or fissure now using the various creams you can apply yourself rather than that.