country music easily though that's because i'm a queer person that grew up in a small town so it has negative connotations that i'll never be able to get rid of even if i know there's country songs about beating up your boss and shit.
Cmon it's not that bad, you could find many dope songs if you dig deep enough. There are also many different flavors of dubstep so I would argue that it's a genre for everyone and anyone.
Hardcore/hardstyle. Very popular in The Netherlands, with huge festivals where every guy takes of his shirt to flex his pumped up muscles. And almost every football club plays hardcore before the match.
I don't hate on it and let everyone be, but Jesus fucking Christ is it shite
It was always some song intentionally made for a dance scene in a light R-Rated Teen Party Film. Like it would be a rap remix of DJ got us falling in love again playing as the “nerdy kid” starts to party and go CrAZy or something lol
Hardbass, it pleases my autistic ears but it annoys me so much. Its not russian, its a piece of russia cut out by colonialists and shaped to fill their biases so we can all meme about it. It exists to entertain Anglos.
absolutely. i think the whole slav meme with the hardbass and shit was engineered for edgy western 13 year olds and has made russian culture look like a complete joke on the internet
I don’t know that that’s true, maybe you just met some shitty breakcore fans. I’m not a fan but I do listen to some idm music which can be breakcore-adjacent at times.
I'm something of a breakcore fan myself, I can't say there aren't individualists amongst the fans or artists, of course, but it's like more genres in that regard. (Also depends on what you mean by breakcore I think cause there's quite the dispute between oldschool breakcore fans - stuff like Venetian Snares, Alec Empire's "The Destroyer", etc. - and new music being labelled 'breakcore' but which is mostly kinda shitty drum'n'bass with creepy anime cover art).
I was going to say that I can click just about anything on Every Noise at Once and figure out some way to vibe with it, but I just noticed "Christian Deathcore" in there and am appalled.
some of the early 00s -core shit (metalcore/deathcore,etc) is weirdly christian. it’s not that present in the music but they’ll mention it on stage or some shit. august burns red is metalcore, but i think is an example of a christian -core band being pretty heavy
Christian Contemporary - in whatever flavour. I don't have much fondness for the church as it is and they manage to make something that's even worse than Christian Rock which, to quote Comrade Hill: "You're not making Christianity better you're just making rock and roll worse."
Oh... maybe Martial Industrial or Neo-folk. Both of which are fucking teeming with fascists, or "apoliteic" bands. Pretty much everyone you look at in either genre is gonna be quoting Ernst Jünger and Julius Evola, amongst other more obscure fascist or fascist-adjacent ideologues. They have this romantic notion of 'Europa', free from the decadence of liberal democracy and multiculturalism - they're unironic 'RETVRN' types.
Ew I hate Christian contemporary. I can get on board with some orthochants though. The only modern Christian contemporary stuff that's cool is the Farcry 5 soundtrack, and I never played the game because I don't like Farcry
Country music, Either it’s directly racist and faux-populist or it’s just boring. Like you’ll have a song by some millionaire who’s like “We got problems here, but Folks don’t care/ The big gov folks gonna do what they do, but won’t drop Welfare for ‘you know who’ “ and on the other end it’s like “Born and raised on my grandma’s ranch, gotta bunch of holes in my overall pants”Like all the songs are about being in a rural environment. Nothing else. Screamcore Death Metal is annoying to me. Like if I was actively fighting a war as a viking I could see something worthwhile in it, but nothing I could ever do would be intense and angry enough to listen to this music while doing it. Like am I supposed to casually drive around listening to this? Is it allowed for me to fold towels while listening to it? It seems like music to be played in a fight to the death, not even like a Kumite situation, like the end of the movie Misery where you fight dirty for your own life, that’s not my vibe at all tbh. I’ve had family members and friends who like that stuff and it’s fine, as long as they have headphones. I agree about R&B but ONLY bad R&B that’s basically just describing what sex is. Like it’s very uncomfortable to listen to one of the late 2000s R&B radio stations with parents or uncles and aunts and stuff. My parents and their siblings grew up in the 60s and 70s so when they think of R&B they think of Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes, Otis Redding, Marvin Gaye, Al Green and the Five Stairsteps. So when they put on an R&B station it’s like nails on a chalkboard to hear someone describe cunnilingus to my older family members.
Modern country music is such a perversion of the genre. It used to be about working class people and suffering against the law and bosses. Now it's all consumerist othering shite. I can listen to older stuff plenty.
Even still not a fan of the rhythm of it. Like I get it isn’t all MAGA crackers, but even the old songs I’m not into at all. In New Vegas I don’t think there’s like more than 2 songs I like in the whole game
I know that not all country is like that but most is, and even then the ones that aren’t just don’t tickle my fancy idk what to say I don’t like country music
I agree about country, but I can’t deny how much I like listening to “the devil went down to Georgia” or Marty Robbins. I also like listening listening “simple man” as a joke. Listening to Charlie describe the ills of society and attributing it to people “throwing their bibles away.” Of course, he goes on to propose solutions diametrically opposed to what Jesus actual said. If you want some decent country, I’ve liked Tony Rice’s Church street Blues.
What artists are “screamcore death metal?” All I can find is punk. I generally like angry music, but I’m wondering what specific stuff you don’t like.
I'd listen to anything as long as it sounds good beyond the words, like the instruments and the vocals are good, so my least favorite genres are ones that are like (examples of what I've heard but refused continuing the catalogue) Cardi B WAP or some songs by Eminem (tonedeaf) and Ice Spice, I don't mind the lyrics because a lot of times the songs I like are filthier, idk if someone can recommend me something that is like this but sounds good send it and I'll listen.
Lose Yourself is probably one of Em’s most iconic songs, if you don’t like that one or Without Me, then you probably just don’t like Eminem, and that’s fine, everyone has different taste
Eminem was one of the first rappers I really dug into, but a decade later I think Lose Yourself is one of the few songs I can always appreciate as much as I did as a teen.
I’ve never gotten into Cardi B or Ice Spice. Do you mean you don’t like Eminem particularly his song Tone Deaf (which I admit isn’t great) or do you think he’s tonedeaf. Surely you could find some of his stuff you’d like? Either way, Eminem was my most listened to artist last year (not this year).
German Schlager music. I assume it's what other countries folk and/or country music is? If so, then really just the German version. Other countries's versions are so much cooler, but I do recognize the foreign coolness factor probably plays a large role in that.
I like to think I can enjoy some stuff from most any genre but if I had to pick one probably like really hard metal ? Not familiar with the exact terminology, but I find it very grating and not in a satisfying way. Also isn’t a lot of it pretty nazi adjacent/outright nazi ? I may just be very ignorant of the genre but yea
The term is "extreme metal"! Contains all kind of families like death metal, grindcore and black metal, the latter being the one that is infested with nazis. There is an underground of left wing bands thankfully but historically the genre has been targeted
there are problems with nazi presence in extreme metal, and because the genre is so heavily white, cis, and male, it can end up with reactionaries being allowed to stay. but on the other end of extreme metal you can find a lot of queer people and women making great shit as well as bands that are very leftist or at least hold some of those ideals. i myself am a trans woman in the extreme metal scene and it’s really a 50/50 chance if a space is reactionary or not but overall i love the welcoming spaces i’ve found.
Whatever it is that Cavetown does. I really like comically hard or fast music but have no problems with most songs I deem "too soft" if it doesn't feel dead. When a song is basically a string instrument and some guy singing as softly as possible it is understimulating(best term I could find for what I feel). How bare the song is means there's nothing interesting for me each second which is what I like about listening to faster or harder songs. Most artists also come across as pretentious.
This is tragic because my boyfriend absolutely loves this kind of music.
Cave town has some good stuff (deviltown), but a lot of it’s not great. Do you know awfultune? They have a similar vibe, some good, a lot of it not great.
I can respect that… but I can’t imagine listening to Protect Ya Neck by Wu-Tang and not getting hyped af to that. If you haven’t heard it I highly recommend it, even the censored version is cool because they use guitar riffs as censors
Obviously you're free to dislike how genres sound but I feel like that's an oversimplification of the genre. It's not just people saying words really fast, there are plenty of slower rappers. It's more about the flow and the wordplay not to mention there's a decent amount of artists that do a sing/rap thing at the same time.
While I do like some fast shit I agree that particularly these days a lot of spaces in the genre is oversaturated with people trying to stuff as many syllables as they possibly can into a line with little regard to A) saying something of substance or B) making music that sounds good.
I don't know what you might possibly be into but there are definitely some really good artists that take their time with what they say.
same here, I try to listen to rap music every now and then but I just can't get into it at all. I think I'm generally more into the instrumental part of a song rather than the vocals. And since rap is like 90% about the vocals I just find it hard to enjoy.
It depends on the artist. The mainstream industry stuff is crap, but there’s a lot of good stuff out there. If you want some artistic or thought provoking stuff I recommend Aesop Rock (particularly Labor Days), Dead Prez (the first album), Mos Def, and Atmosphere.
My best friend loves it so no hate but I just can't get into the whole indie, pop punk, folk sort of stuff--maybe sometimes folk is okay but only if it's made by rural poor people not suburban upper middle class kids. I guess I just don't like suburban whining ("nonono it's SUPPOSED to sound bad!"). Bright Eyes is okay.
There's a lot of stuff I have a very short patience for. Everyone around me right now listens to drill, I like NBA YB but other than that all the flows and lyrics of the scene are really repetitive and its soulfully exhausting. I have to be in a very bad spot or en route to terrible crimes to want to hear drill. Considering its made by killers for killers after generations of being corrupted under American culture that's not surprising.
I also just can't get into old school hip hop or rappity rap.
98% of anything that makes it to the Top 40 these days is just McDonald's music.
I really like some classical and want to get into it but everytime I explore outside of OSTs/modern classical and try to listen to Dimitrille Von Orgenspognan or whoever from centuries ago I find it unbelievably boring and, ironic to what its fans say, emotionless, I can see some stuff just being lost in translation across hundreds of years though.
I recommend The Pharcyde’s song Passin Me By for Old School Rap, it doesn’t come off as Sugar Hill Gang which was kinda cringe in retrospect. Shook Ones pt2 by Mobb Deep is awesome too but Idk if it’s THAT old
Basically anything were the music doesn't flow well with or without vocals. There's no specific genre although I would say rap has way more of these types of songs. So much of it feels like an attempt at just talking or yelling to a rhythm while some music plays in the background. Then there are rap songs that flow amazingly well with the music and sounds great.
That being said there are lots of types of genres that do this and also like, sub-genres. Like I really like a bunch of different kinds of metal. Bother ones that are more like hard rock and ones that are more instrumental. Ones that have different ethnic themes etc. But I HATE. HATE screaming and growling metal. I cannot listen to it. It sounds stupid to me. My favorite band has some killer songs, with the best instrumentation and vocal flows, but then half way through some of them they will start the growling and I will just cut to the next one.