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Week 27 Deals

Looks like decent deals can be had this weekend with almost everything in the store getting a 15-25% (-5% for non-ITC) coupon. All the items that are usually under the exclusion list have a coupon: Herc+Bauer power tools, all the tool boxes, jacks stands, air compressors, welders, winches, and Icon hand tools.

This is what has me interested this weekend:

Bauer Portable Band Saw $80 - Is this the cheapest it's been? I might have to go for that this weekend, I think the lowest I had previous seen it was $99, but a new Herc band saw is coming out so they might have lowered the price on it. Of course, if I get this, I'll have to get the sweet stand with it too!

18 in. Magnetic Tool Holder $3 - Yeah, these used to be free, but this is the cheapest price now... still a good deal, I get them just to remove the magnets.

Trim and Molding Tool Set $5 - Nice to have some prybars that won't damage things.

Herc 20V, 4 Ah Extreme Performance $45 - These extreme performance versions have Samsung 40T cells in them. You can't even get the stolen one's off of fleabay for this price!

New Tools -

McGraw Medium Barrel Air Hammer looks nice, I have the Chief but for $20 for this McGraw, don't think you can go wrong.

Icon 3/8" Split Beam Torque wrench, $119, I already have the 1/2" so might be nice to pick up it's little brother, although I will wait for it to go on sale because I believe I only paid $115 for the 1/2" on a sale specifically for torque wrench products.

What am I missing? Right now, that band saw really is calling to me for $80... what is calling your name?