I'm not sure these people who believe this stuff are in positions of power though. I would imagine the US ruling class are more acutely aware of what is really going on.
On the other hand, some of their actions only make sense if they believe their own bullshit, so I really have no idea.
I think it’s a spectrum between stupidity and propaganda. The CIA claimed that China was building military bases in Cuba, but then the US military brass immediately came out and said they had no idea where these assertions came from and none of their intelligence indicated such activities
Being given access to accurate intel is no guarantee that they actually leverage it to form their own views.
There are anecdotes of US officials using mainstream media to spoonfeed them their positions on issues as they can't be assed to do anything resembling actual work.
There are liberals who vote and then there are liberals who are elected or own significant capital and actually make decisions. Some of them even have assets that are very dependent on the Chinese economy, company stocks in various exported consumer goods and technology. I doubt they are consuming their own propaganda with respect to China.
the maoist uprising against the landlords was the largest and most comprehensive proletarian revolution in history, and led to almost totally-equal redistribution of land among the peasantry
Ignoring what's actually happening and clinking wine glasses together to celebrate yet another "China about to collapse" article paired with one of their brunchmates' "sorry, hate to break it to you poors, but bad thing is good actually" editorials making it to publication.
the food prices went up again, do not worry, enjoy the opportunity to lose some weight and learn to cook a delicious full meal with only starch and javascript
US mainstream media isn't even trustworthy for predicting the US economy.
They downplayed if not outright denied the potential causes of the Great Recession until well after it had already occurred. They then portrayed the Great Recession "from the perspective of the Obama Administration and big business" manipulating the empathy of their audience in order to serve the interests of their true masters.
Conditions in America are currently worse than the Great Depression by pretty much every metric related to working people. And the media is blatantly pretending it's not happening.
This is actually just enrichment for them. Kind of like a cat knows that they won't catch a laser pointer if they chase it, they just want to exercise their natural hunting instinct.
The cat actually doesn't know and if that's the only form of enrichment they can get incredibly stressed out because they are never able to catch anything, so people should give their cats something real to chase after using a laser pointer.
I’m obviously not suggesting that they’re gonna collapse or anything stupid like that, but are they in a deflation or not because the media is talking about it a lot. At this point I don’t even know if they’re taking facts and twisting them to suit their narrative or if they’re just making it the fuck up
This is what I’m very confused about. I read before that deflation is a sign of a slowdown/recession in the economy but like also having your current worth more/prices going down sounds objectively good to me? Is there any good Devil’s advocate position that can put forth any negatives for deflation because China certainly doesn’t seem like a slowing economy to me.