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A screenshot of a Homescreen with lots of apps on it, notably all open source and almost all using the material you colouring scheme. Two arrows pointing to one app in particular, the Twitter App, which has gotten a new logo: an X.
Naw (but thank you >///<). The icon pack is provided by android itself (material you icons) and the wallpaper is just some strawberry images I found on some creative Commons picture website.
I don't care for Twitter and don't have an account. Actually just downloaded the X app for the meme. Lemmy is enough.
Kinda funny, considering the other person who made similar memes to this probably downloaded all the other apps around the Twitter logo for the meme. I had all the others installed already.
Thanks for the recommendations! I just installed Mull and will switch to it for the next week to see how I like it.
SponsorBlock on the other hand, I don't really care for. I rarely encounter videos with sponsors (mostly watch smol channels). But when I do see sponsors, they're mostly well done integrations into the video, or make sense in the video. But sure, I'll get that one too and see how it changes things.
I have been using mull for a couple months, and it has been great. I have had websites not loading recently, but i think it is prob my fault messing something up in adb.
Mull takes upstream code and settings/flags from arkenfox and tor, and desktop only extensions can be installed using a custom collection. Using libredirect on mobile is usefull
It's the material you app icons. They come preinstalled on the new android versions. They are already enabled on Samsung and pixel devices, don't know about the others tho.
The wallpaper is from and I upscaled it, due to the low quality with "SuperImage", an open source upscaled found on F-Droid. Here is the image:
Hello fellow Translate You user. I've found that the translations with the app aren't that good... Do you know which translation provider yields the best results?
I like it a lot. Mainly use it for weight tracking, and less for the food facts. Just wish it had material you themed UI. Generic items are not implemented in OpenFoodFacts I think, which yes, is unfortunate.
Telegramm FOSS. It's the Foss version, you can find it on f droid. Foss stands for free (as in freedom) and open source. That way, everyone who knows how to do so, can change the app however they want by modifying the code of the app to suit their needs. Otherwise, the app is exactly the same as the normal Telegramm app found on the Play Store.