Wagner mercenaries were on Thursday reported to be trying to head back into Russia after threatening retaliation over the suspected killing of their leader Yevgeny Prigozhin in a plane crash on the orders of Vladimir Putin. “The convoys are likely heading towards the border with Russia,” the centre...
Was there actually anything stopping them before, other than some traffic cops with a grenade launcher, and some excavator operators frantically digging up the motorway?
Considering they're arguably even worse than Putin, we probably don't want them to actually have a chance at being successful, it's just that any forces Russia has to use to stop them are forces they aren't using in Ukraine. Giving them funding would be a seriously bad move.
If Biden funds them Biden funds a direct attack on Russia, due to the increased pressure Russia will take that as an attack from the US and will escalate. We want to deescalate everything we can because we don’t know if putin will use his nukes, and if he does the world ends. Putin will not win a war with the us though, so he may not care about the end of the world.
Take it with a grain of salt, people, none of the trustworthy sources confirmed any of that - just a couple of Ukrainian outlets (understandable as psyop) and, well, yahoo news and the like.
As a Russian living in Russia and, obviously, closely following all the shit show, it does not seem like Wagner is going to do anything.
Then again, I'm not sure about shit after 24 Feb 2022.
I am curious if you think Putin will allow Wagner Corp to continue operating as it has, or if they will all now fall under his direction. And if it's the latter, will they be paid and who will be writing the check?
PREFACE: Prior to 24 Feb 2022, I was really skeptical that Putin would start the war at all, though, so I might be really wrong here - I'm no expert, just a regular rusky Ivan with some opinions. Things in Russia aren't really predictable at the moment.
And if it’s the latter, will they be paid and who will be writing the check?
Unfortunately, all the tax-payers - remember, the government has no money of its own, only the money of its citizen and tax residents.
I am curious if you think Putin will allow Wagner Corp to continue operating as it has, or if they will all now fall under his direction.
Judging by the mutiny in June, I think the mercs will receive offers to join the regular military as contractors or something along these lines. The PMC itself will be probably be manipulated into control one way or another, either via a direct acquisition or some other scheme, all in attempt to smother the beast Putin himself had created.
Then again, Putin is not a smart guy people make him out to be - he's very prone to mistakes, especially after 20+ years of constant ass-licking from the various abundant yes-men (and the assassinations of the no-men). Look no further than the various regional battalion he's ordered to conjure, which is supposed to be carried out by the governors, essentially creating local not-so-private militaries. Sure, they're not mercs and really far from being experienced combatants with all the subsequent traumas like the Wagner mercs are, and most likely have way less sense of freedom and lawlessness because they hadn't lived that lifestyle before (and won't know), but it still is an armed group of people that is deliberately put into some separate division based on their region - civil war isn't any near now, but dividing armed people into areas rather than just putting everyone in the same military power is not a good idea, especially not in the situation Russia finds itself in.
All that being said, the most important point is the following: Russia as a governmental entity has been very carefully engineering a society with as few leaders as possible, and succeeded well enough to make sure that our people just don't really act on their desires and urges to protest en masse and for long; while it's one thing for us, civilians, who aren't armed, aren't hardened by combat, aren't used to real violence, the Wagner mercs aren't really taught to be free-thinking individuals either, so even if they all want to storm Kremlin, I just don't see that happening unless a figure powerful enough to lead them emerges.
Honest at this point I wouldn't even blink if Prigozhin popped up in the future to tell us they faked their deaths.
To be clear, I believe that he's dead (and that it was probably an assassination by Putin), but so many other outrageous things have happened already little surprises me.
That's the first thing I thought when I heard about his death. He should have known that Putin would likely want him dead, so pretending to board a plane that gets shot down is a pretty good way to fake your death. Does he use his fake death to plot revenge or to escape, never to be heard from again?
Who knows if Putin even wanted him dead. It could be a way for him to step out of the spotlight and let Putin show what happens to those who disobey. They have a huge issue with deserters.
I wouldn't be surprised if they were found eating kaviar off each others nibbles.
Idk about that one, they're employed by Wagner, Wagner is essentially the business entity that allows them to operate as a mercenary group. Who knows how much loyalty they have to their own command structure? If I were the owner of a private Merc army, I would try to instill as much loyalty as I can so they don't turn on me.
This is historically ignorant. Before professional armies, mercenaries would literally have their camps set up in a country that hired them, only to turn and ransack a nearby town after an enemy spy came in and paid them more to do it. Western society literally invented professional armies because of mercenaries.
It would be so ironic if the plane crash was entirely an accident and not planned in any way, but no one believes it because of Putins history. And if they kill him for something he wasn’t actually involved in because of his past crimes ruining his credibility it would be oh-so-sweet
My question is who is going to pick up the tab for these mercs? I can't see Putin doing it himself, as he wouldn't want to set precedent... but they are spoiled. I would assume it will be bad for Russia if they don't keep the money flowing.
This is a greater overall danger than many of you seem to realize. Their leader was a face and figurehead, the real power of Wagner mercenaries lies with the lieutenants. Without him, they are likely to splinter and become more brutal. Some are likely to be hired by the anti-Putin oligarchs, while others may align with Putin. This may result in Russia having to pull out of Ukraine, but that's not the end of this. Even if Putin is slammed out of power, that just results in an internal power struggle with deadly consequences. Those will not stay inside their borders.
All true, but it does not depend on this specific group of folks or the inciting incident of their leader's death. Violent internal power struggle spilling across borders is practically guaranteed no matter who the actors are. Even if Putin lives a long life and dies of natural causes, that's coming.
The less wagnerites operating on Ukrainian soil the better. The less wagnerites helping illegal migrants to cross Polish-Belarusian border the better. The less wagnerites the better.
Exactly. Poland itself is pretty damn far-right, and while they might be helping Ukraine and Ukrainians, this doesn't mean their government is not borderline fascist. Someone else below (@TimeNaan@lemmy.world) provided this link documenting some severe human rights abuses against lots of migrants (some of these are also from the Belarus side too, it's not just Poland).
Any situation in which a state denies access to people watching for such abuses - like this - is one that sends immediate and severe warning signs to me. Combined with the other stuff going on around LGBT+ free zones, well, it's worrying imo >.<
Some of this stuff is even worse than what I've heard of the US/Mexico border, though it's all pretty horrific.
I don't give a fuck about your considerations either. Our border our rules. Also lol'd at "killing". If anyone died there it was because of their own stupidity of trying to cross it from Belarus which isn't a war torn country but they didn't want safety but rather monies from western Europe.
It actually did. They only stopped because he made a deal with Putin. They covered hundreds of kilometers in hours.
That IS successful to that point. They were just so f*cking stupid, they thought Putin wouldn't kill them anyways for the betrayal... If he had even 1/6th of a functional brain, he should've realized the MOMENT he abandoned his orders in Ukraine, it was him or Putin.
Dumb asses, quiet sabotage would get you get you so much further, especially if you can figure out how to signal out and communicate with each other. Hey maybe I'm underestimating them and this is a feint to distract from something but big doubt.
Just thinking like Im a soldier who wants to avenge my commander who I'm presuming was killed for his very public soft coup attempt, and I just think I would probably rather avoid planning my own very public soft coup.
I mean, Putin killing Prigozhom basically signaled none of them are safe. At this point if you are going to die falling out of the sky or die raiding Moscow, the latter might have a higher chance of survival.
Which is why I fully support it and hope they take out Putin in the process. Mutual annihilation of the top level leaders on both sides would be best for everyone, including for the Russian people themselves.
I am so sorry about this. But how much integrity can a mercenary army have? I mean what's point in fighting for your ex-employer? If you ask me there is no way they can actually rile-up that many mercenaries to do any significant damage. (but would love to hear other peoples thoughts)
This is how a gang operates. It's all about consensus building by braggadocio. Someone says they're going to do something, and sees if enough others join them. Then they threaten the person who is their rival based on the number of people behind them. Unfortunately for the wagner fellows who proposed this, they don't have anywhere near enough backing them to get putin to back down. They're fucked.
they have no heavy equipment - they gave up everything from mortars up after coup attempt, so no AD, no tanks, no artillery, no nothing. manpower left in russia was slurped up by army, these left in belarus have only rifles, tents and civilian trucks and were evicted lately. they ain't doing shit and it's only dumb posturing on telegram
Flight attendant Kristina Raspopova, 39, told her relatives of the unexplained hold-up, indicating that the aircraft was being “repaired” before the flight, according to VChK-OGPU Telegram channel.
Sounds like something I’d do if I wanted to plant a bomb for insurance, js.
Wagner had the elements of surprise and momentum, what they didn't do was announce their intentions before invading fucking Russia and start taking things over while shooting the shit out of anyone in their way, so I rate this story 100% bullshit
I was wondering if that would happen. Hopefully whomever or whoever, if it's multiple people, are organizing Wagner at this point have more of a spine than their former erstwhile leader. Because they know the likely consequences now if they fail, since just letting bygones be bygones isn't a thing with Putin and the KGB.
So Wagner needs to go all out. And hopefully they do.