What is an artist that is very popular in your country but widely unknown outside?
I’ll start: for Germany, I’d go for Die Ärzte. A rock/pop/punk band from the 80s which is still active today. One of my all-time favorites because I grew up with them :)
Looking forward to some great new music discoveries 😁
In der Top-Ten-Liste der bestverdienenden Musikerinnen taucht auch eine Deutsche auf: Helene Fischer. Sie sei zwar nicht so bekannt wie ihre amerikanischen Kolleginnen, schrieb "Forbes". Aber "der europäische Superstar" verdiene mehr als die meisten "Diven" in den USA. Zu verdanken habe Fischer das vor allem ihrer "phänomenal erfolgreichen" Tournee. Die Sängerin kommt nach "Forbes"-Schätzungen auf ein Jahreseinkommen von 32 Millionen Dollar - und liegt damit noch vor Céline Dion und Britney Spears.
The top ten list of the highest-earning female musicians also includes a German: Helene Fischer. She is not as famous as her American colleagues, wrote Forbes. But "the European superstar" earns more than most "divas" in the USA. Fischer has her "phenomenally successful" tour to thank for that. According to "Forbes" estimates, the singer has an annual income of 32 million dollars - and is thus ahead of Céline Dion and Britney Spears.