How do y'all manage to not be in an existential crisis all the time? I feel like I'm in a warzone even though it's peacetime in my country. [Trigger Warning for depression, existential stuff, etc.]
How do y'all manage to not be in an existential crisis all the time? I feel like I'm in a warzone even though it's peacetime in my country. [Trigger Warning for depression, existential stuff, etc.]
I know this is more fitted for the mental health community on, but that community feels like shouting in the void. I want to have a more "normal" talk about like life, death, purpose, and stuff. How do y'all not just get consumed by how you will be gone one day, how one day no one in the world will even remember you. Most of us aren't even gonna have a wikipedia page, not even gonna make it into one single news article (obituaries don't count). I'm just so sad. What's the point. What keeps you going?
Edit: I live in the USA btw, I'm around age 18-25. I was diagnosed with depression last year and I took some antidepressants for some time, but I've since stopped taking them for a while.