this is why everyone needs to edit all their comments instead of deleting them. i edited all the comments on my 14 year old account using a script. i got banned from like 5 subs in the process - but a few days later still not rolled back
remember the API is liable to change in the next few days.. if someone wants to do this they need to do it now while they still can
I used to delete my comments regularly, but fell out of the habit a few years ago. I’m currently going through my history manually to overwrite and delete everything - fortunately I wasn’t a prolific commenter, and it’s kind of nice to see my history.
I used a script to edit mine, and most of them have been reverted multiple times in the last week. Some of them retain my edits, so I keep running the script.
Another user was having a similar problem with Reddit not retaining their edits when running a script. They fixed the issue by putting a time delay of five or six seconds between edits. Not saying this will work for you but might be worth looking into.