I held off on Windows 10 for as long as I could until Adobe, and therefore my job, required it. Now this nonsense. I hope this isn't the start of them joining on the web DRM bandwagon.
Foxit Reader has decent PDF editing built in. I use it all the time. I think they call the pen mode "comments", but you can also load your signature as an image file.
The only time I use (pirated) Adobe Acrobat is when I need to edit existing content in PDFs, like fixing layout or editing text.
I don't get why PDFs are so hard to open. The format has been around for ever. Why does Adobe have such a grasp on it, and why isn't it as common to open as a txt?
There are free programs that'll open it, but it's few and far between. It's a pain in the ass to find one.
On all my Macs, Preview is set as the default app for handling PDFs, and I use it for signing, adding text, rearranging and deleting pages; works flawlessly. Fuck Acrobat Reader / Pro.
If I need to do something more complicated, I'll open it in Illustrator.