at this point we should be made aware of the names of the humans causing this human suffering. name those who are 'just following orders' so they can be charged at a later date when the deaths happen.
Failing to name these people and keep track of who carried out the dictator's orders will make it more difficult to hold them legally accountable once the dictator is removed and we have rules again. It's far from sufficient, but it is necessary.
When Musk is reposting comments saying Hitler didn't kill the people, the public servants did, every ICE member should know their head may be responsible for these actions. The people knowing their names and reminding them of it might actually get them to stop and think about their actions
Been asking that since they started removing people from their offices. Why are media outlets not getting the names of every single agent "just doing their job" they're just complacently watching like it's a fucking TV drama.
The media is almost wholly owned by the same people responsible for the policy setting. The people are propagandized into acceptance and complacency. Even the "left" in this country is in fact made up of capitalist apologists and collaborators. They installed "compatible leftists" into universities wholesale in the 60s and it hasn't changed. Milquetoast criticism of the most egregious harm is all you can ever expect. I have no idea how to overcome 80 or so years of brainwashing the populace. I am glad I never had kids.