Filler episodes are important because they focus on character development and they give a break from the main plot.
Yeah I’m totally in agreement with this I need breathing episodes to care about characters. Day in the life episodes and bottle episodes help viewers connect emotionally with the characters. Too many shows these days expect viewers care about the central character just because they are the ones getting screen time.
Well, what does "filler" here mean to you? Dark is a tragedy where the characters in a personal sense aren't really relevant. It's hardly a series about 'slice of life' or "spend time with Jonas/Martha" to see what they get up to.
Yeah... but doing what? Like a "filler" to me isn't specifically about an episode following an individual character. You can do that and not be "filler". If such an episode is in aid of furthering the overall plot of the show, giving the viewer wider context of how the character falls into it, showing their motivations etc. A character filler episode here is where the outcome of the episode essentially doesn't matter, and it's just done as a kind of break from the season/serial plot. Like Carol chasing rats and Daryl fixing his motorbike during those COVID era episodes of TWD.
That would be really out of place in Dark and would be just be whiplash.
I guess you have never watched old school anime? The tone of the filler episode doesn't need to match the rest of the show, in fact it's better when it doesn't