Me too. I don’t think guns are usually necessary but it seems like the US is swiftly moving towards violence against the exact demographics of people who are my friends.
There's already roughly ¼ of the Canadian population that has a registered firearm. That's like. Nearly 10 million people. If half of them decided to actually go guerrilla, and a good portion of the rest of the population decided to run support. It could easily be an un-unfuckable situation for the US.
The most effective weapon in Iraq was IEDs. I would never advocate anyone learning how to make one, but if you wanted to defend yourself from an American invasion this is how the Iraqi resistance did it
We should be courting a weapons deal with Ukraine months ago when all this started. We are each in the same boat right now. Working together would only help each individually.
I'm just now starting the process of getting a PAL. We're going to buy a shotgun and some sort of rifle and a good scope. I don't know anything about rifles and best calibers so that's going to take some research.
You don't have to worry too much about calibers, it's basically splitting hairs. 12gauge for the shotgun, and for the rifle go with what can be found everywhere: 308, 30-06
Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I assume most of those rounds are going to be about the same for the meat on the receiving end. I have to look at see what rounds are allowed at my local shooting range and pick from that.
Yeah they all (centre fire calibers) do the same thing when it comes down to it. Swedes hunt all their moose with a small 7mm round. Take a look at the ammo available in walmart, Canadian tire, the countryside gas station and choose one of those. Nothing fancy
Still different. They are way more advanced than us. And we have way less grit than either of those groups. The viet were willing to live in spider filled holes in the ground. Afghanistan had been at war for years when the us went in so they were hardened already. I think if the current administration had been in power during either of those wars, both countries would have been crushed. The political winds in the us have shifted towards extremism. Trump could totally throw us in concentration camps right now and genocide the entire country and I'm thinking he would get away with it since there would be no backlash at home. Half the people down there would be able to do the mental backflips to justify it and the other half is broken and weak. I genuinely think that Trump can do whatever he wants at this time and get away with it. He's already purged enough of the government of people with integrity that by now, he is untouchable. We are in danger beyond belief and nobody really seems to be alarmed enough.
Another difference is Canada has a long undefended border with the US and the citizens for both countries can look and sound the same. That guerrilla war wouldn't stay in just Canada.
Come on man. 99% of us grew up in conditions that are soft and easy. I've seen extreme violence on a daily basis, but I can still be certain that whatever violence I've encountered would be puppy piss compared to what other people in the world go through. It's led me to be soft. And unless you live in some enclave of extreme suffering somewhere in canada nobody knows about, you are probably just like me. Probably even softer seeing as you lack the self awareness that would allow you to be honest with yourself about what you are. I dunno, maybe you're in the military or something?
We should burn it down again. I want to march on Washington with Canadian flags, and American flags, and signs that say "Save America" if the US police/Military gun us down it might make the Americans wake up and eject their dictator. It's an existential threat to humanity. We can't afford to wait.