Some choice quotes from the last time I saw a thread like this:
When I was 8 someone told me that girls go to college to get more knowledge, and boys go to jupiter to get more stupider. And obviously I took that personally ReverendPancakes
I grew bewbs from the COVID vaccine and decided it was easier to just run with it. DepressivesBrot
Smaller hitboxes Fantasygoria
I drank tap water and soy milk.
life was too easy, so i increased the difficulty setting and this is what happened hdj103
Clearly because women have such an easier time in life DrHob0
According to my Mormon ultra right wing father: I have an infatuation with the female body and was bitten by the social contagion bug and there is no cure. The reasoning for this belief is I once told him I don't think that people who watch porn are bad/going to hell, and I didn't see it as a problem for someone to watch it. So to recap. I watched porn. Saw naked woman. Went wow v pretty I wanna look like that. Then took hormones👍 mist_wraith_
I personally felt that my safe access to public bathrooms was too damn high froglipsmulligan
I couldn't get a goth gf so I became the goth gf A_Sneaky_Dickens
Better bouyancy when swimming Blah-Blah-Blah-2023
To bring down western civilization. MyynMyyn
Because I was a hitman for organized crime but I got caught. Transitioning was my only option when I went into witness protection when I ratted out my employers. Dakotaisapotato
So I can balance my phone on my boobs instead of having to hold it when I’m relaxing and watching YouTube Somethingintheway245
I wanted to study tiddy jiggle physics for animation purposes DaAwesomeNeko
Um, girls rule, boys drool, duh. MyconautAlien
I signed up for a trial gender & forgot to cancel. Better_Image_5859
There were too many dudes in my field (engineering) so I got auto-balanced. Cassie_Darkborn
So I'd be less embarrassed when choosing a female character in games. throwaway_eclipse1
A drag queen started reading a book out loud while I was in the same room. ATransFemalePerson
My eyelashes were too long to not corncrakey
To get cheaper auto insurance rates 👍 Various_Ad_4533
Because that shark plushie was just too damn cute not to buy 🏳️⚧️🦈 KingOfRedLlamas
I started programming and just accidentally became a girl. swiftsorceress
I used a bunch of drugs and wanted to move on to something harder. So I started taking estrogen. Kept chasing the high. Oops, now I have tits and an ass. FecalAlgebra
I wanted conservatives to have strong opinions on what I do with my body. ususetq
Because I sarcastically said "well I have the legs for it" every time the prospect of me wearing women's clothing came up in conversation in high school. I had to continue the bit. MC_White_Thunder
No one ever talked to me at the bar and I got tired of buying my own drinks.
Because I got infected with “The Gay(tm)” as I have no agency of my own SpicyNovaMaria
I accidentally checked the wrong box on the presurgical paperwork and woke up with boobs Wzd_JA
In case I have to kill the Witch-king of Angmar SmoothSoup