I know that Hacker News is a self selected sample of the most deranged tech bro sociopaths, but still it is a representative sample of Silicon Valley.
I don't think the workers in Silicon Valley are going to stop this. They don't want to. I've spent 15 years on that site and have a pretty good sense of what their attitudes and priorities are. This ain't it.
The pro-union sentiment on HackerNews definitely grew in the last 5 years. Also those are tech-enthusiast tech bros, which are a small fraction of the workforce of any tech company or even of technical tech workers overall. Most people I know avoid hackernews because it's a cesspool, regardless of their political stance.
I agree with you, but I also believe people can change. A change in conscious towards unionizing won't happen overnight. It happens as the workplace and job market conditions change, and that is what we are seeing right now in Silicon Valley. Tech workers have been used to rising salaries and benefits for so long, and we know that can't last forever. I think now we are going to see the decline. As the article mentions, AI is the hope for the owner class to de-skill tech workers and thus make them a more exploitable worker that won't be given a salary that is enough to live a materially comfortable life.