Do you think that a revolution will happen in the global north in the next 60 years? Or is capitalism that good to just keep kicking for hundreds of more years?
Well i dont know of any vanguard parties in any global north nations that are even a little bit successful. Their economies will have to collapse first then we will see how long it takes for some to start forming. Kinda depends if once China becomes the dominant world power they start really pushing for the world revolution. Apparently they plan to by 2050 so maybe with their support youd see some serious parties start to form. I think a lot of global north nations just wont exist anymore. Most of them have a lot of internal divisions. Theyll probably break up. Not all but some will.
sorry its just something i had mentioned to me like a month ago thats why i put apparently in there because i cant exactly confirm it. I dont know chinese well enough yet to check if its in their official statements. I dont think thats the sort of things theyre gonna do an english language press release about.