Let's see... The UK....who needed America to get involved to end WW2 and France who are literally a meme for surrendering these days (despite having the greatest military track record of any nation still standing).
What an incredibly deep ignorance about the modern world.
If you're curious about how countries militaries actually stack up these days I'd suggest looking into the results of some of the recent NATO joint exercises. The French military is actually quite formidable with a lot of recent heavy intervention in old colonies and anti terrorism strike force actions lately... now, nothing can really compare to the insane US military budget but France is pretty fucking serious.
The UK is a joke, though.
The real sleeping bears are the Baltics though. Those fucks are scared shitless of Russia and have heavily invested in widespread training in an effort to present Russia with an occupational nightmare due to partisan resistance if they ever invade.
As a contrast while China has a shit load of stuff there was a massive amount of military supply corruption leading to a really high practical failure rate. They've got infantry for days of course, and their navy is quite serious... but there's a strong suspicion that China's airforce is much weaker than numbers would suggest.
UK and France both have nukes. They just need to let Canada borrow a few for a while if Trump starts mobilizing the US military for a special operation.
It would normally be a nothing burger... except for the timing of it. Poland and Canada both getting threatened by nuclear powers, and when Canada's PM is on his way out and there's a whole bunch of other shit going on he randomly finds the time to go over to Poland to make agreements on both defense and nuclear energy. Maybe nothing, but it's a bit odd, isn't it?
Yes thank you captain obvious. I know how mutually assured destruction works.
I am very aware that both the UK and France have nukes. The way he worded his comment I thought he was talking about America giving Canada nukes, but the UK and/or France make more sense given the hypothetical posed by the original post. I was responding to the comment while I was on the phone. Divided attention n all that.
Dont talk down to people like that. Its condescending and you have no idea how intelligent anyone actually is based off one comment. You know what they say about making assumptions.
You need to start understanding that the US is not the defender of democracy anymore. When people talk of protecting democracy, no one is thinking of getting from the US because you're the ones we're trying to defend against. With each passing day your country is becoming the enemy of democracy.
I know this may be difficult to accept, but the US may become the great villains of the 21st century just as the Nazis were the villains of the 20th. We all hope that that won't happen, but we see the signs and we have to be prepared to defend democracy from US aggression.
Not when they surrendered dingus. The meme/joke that Frances official flag is a white flag has been going around since I was a kid in the 90s and both my little brothers also know that meme.