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How come precarity caused the October Revolution in Russia, but it caused Fascism in Germany and Italy?


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  • That's the magic of fascism, it has the uncanny power of coopting people's indignation with current reality and seduce them with easy answers, like you are fucked because THEM(pick your oppressed group here) are fucking you, therefore if we go to war with THEM everything will be wonderful, and that's quite a false promise but it sounds true and people want to believe that something will change.

    That being said both Germany and Italy had quite expressive communist movements, especially Italy, they would likely have made more of a splash in their after war elections had CIA not meddled with it. So it's important to understand that both communism and fascism somewhat run on the same fuel, and a well organized vanguard can defend from fascist proliferation, and the same goes the other way, a strong fascist movement can take the wind out of communist movement's wings. That's one of thr many many reasons the hatred is so strong and mutual between the two groups, and why capitalism helps fascist movements when they fuck shit up

    • I wouldn't say that communism and fascism run somewhat on the same fuel. I feel like that's neoliberal apologia. But I 99 percent know that's not how you meant it, and I definitely understand your sentiment. Both communists and fascists see the lie that is neoliberalism. The difference, is our reactions to it.

      Communists want to create a society/system that is better for all people in general, and we're angry that capitalism is only a carrot on a stick used to indoctrinate and browbeat the civilian populace. We're angry that capitalist democracy is a sham.

      Fascists are angry that neoliberalism is too "weak" or nice or not exploitative enough, and that the thin veneer of democracy should be stamped out for full a full dictatorship, that things are currently too democratic.

      • Yeah that's why I said somewhat because I know its not quite correct but it was useful to answer the doubts of our comrade, but yeah I meant that they answer the same yearnings of the people, the yearning for change for a better life and the frustration with current reality, us by the real correct and future looking ways, the fascists with lies and backwards looking ways that always call for a return of a fabled past