“… Israel as we know it (a militaristic, apartheid state that offers democracy and liberalism to Jews only) is disappearing. It is slowly but surely becoming theocratic and authoritarian, even to Jews…”
Even well-meaning Germans won't be able to justify supporting Isrel anymore and their Holocaust guilt will finally give in. Other Europeans are already fed up and only need that extra illiberal push to take them over the edge.
They had me until this point.
I think they underestimate the extent of fascistic currents throughout the western world, and I especially don't think Germany will suddenly abandon their support of Israeli aggression
They weren't talking about state actors. They were talking about regular people, and I think they're correct. Even in Germany, roughly 50% believe Israel is wrong. This number was significantly lower before Oct 7th.
You can see the growing support for Palestine across Europe. This was never present before Oct 7th. There are so many grassroots protests popping up now, even in countries that don't have a sizeable Muslim or Arab population.
Israel has lost the propaganda war. It destroyed the narrative that it was ever a progressive state concerned with the well being of Palestinians (only targeting Hamas). More and more people are seeing it for the genocidal ethnostate that it is.
I can tell you that the divide between Palestine supporters and supporters of the zionist entity is only going to get deeper. Everyday the ratio of far-right individuals to regular people increases for the pro-israel side. Fewer and fewer regular people are siding with israel, they're moving to the Palestine camp.
This is also going to deepen the divide. Anyone pro-israel will be seen as a racist zealot, this is the future.
Yea, I guess i just don't have the same optimism about public sentiment.
I'll chalk it up to how the US elections went and how much more common/accepted Zionism is becoming in many circles. It's certainly becoming more polarized - many liberals and progressives have been recognizing the Palestinian resistance , but conservatives and even many center and center-right liberals have become more ardently supportive of Israel, even openly islamophobic.
My sense is that the zionist movement is even more pronounced in Germany, but I'll admit that I'm pretty distant from german culture so I am by no means an authority on the topic.
I would be more optimistic on that front. States are going to tow the Zionist line until the entity collapses. People are becoming aware of Zionism and the criminal recordhistory of the entity.
This is emboldening actual anti-semites in europe and strengthen their claims and lies unfortunately.
But we should look at the positives of the situations.