Well in that case, despite my attempts to educate you, you're simply delusional, and I'm not saying that to insult you - I really want to help you see the bigger picture here - I'm saying it because you're suffering from delusion, and you're not seeing the world for what it is. You are so focused on "punishing" the dems for not blocking aid to Israel (and to that point, I strongly recommend you read the comment below at https://lemmy.nz/post/15784628/11773697 as to why it isn't as simple as you might think), that you're willing to throw away what could be a deciding vote - the polls right now are so even that even a few hundred votes in the right places could throw the election the other way. Perhaps you live in a solid blue state, where you expect Harris to win regardless of how you vote, but when you post comments such as yours on a public forum, other people are going to read them, and be influenced, and if your post makes someone stop and think 'hmm... you know what, I don't agree with Biden's actions, so I'm going to abstain and punish them', and those voters are in swing states, then your actions will have had consequences. Your anger is preventing you from being able to see the bigger picture.
As for your comment that I'm seeing things in black and white, you couldn't be further from the truth. I'm not even an American, so I literally have no vote here, but the outcome of this election will have global consequences that will impact me, and that's why I'm keen for common sense to prevail, and for Harris to win. That's why, all things considered, and despite objections I may have to Biden, or even Harris's policies as they impact the rest of the world, the alternative, where Trump wins another term, simply does not bear thinking about.