Proposals had been made to change Russia's nuclear doctrine to allow for attacking any non-nuclear state that had the participation or support of a nuclear state, Putin said.
Realistically, if Putin uses the nuclear codes, this is what happens:
A few warheads in Russia explode in their silos and the government blames the West. A bunch of other warheads are harmlessly shot down. A few actually find their targets and a few million people are wiped out. The west retaliates and suddenly the war is over.
BICS then becomes ascendant in global power, China claims Taiwan and the Philippines and possibly Japan, and Israel is wiped off the face of the earth as all sides turn it into a nuclear slag pile, killing Israelis, Palestinians and a large number of Lebanese and Syrians in the bargain.
Then things adjust to the new normal and economies rebuild, with the noted absence of Russia and Belarus.
most westerners no longer live in reality. They make short poses for Facebook or Tiktok or Snapchat, they play video games for hours, they do anything to avoid researching both or all sides and to practice foresight, discipline, introspection. They numb themselves with constant convenience foods, porn, screentime of any sort, drugs, alcohol, etc. My hope for these warmongers are that they are forced to fight in the frontlines -even if they are female or 65 or have diabetes. Volunteering others to suffer isn't "adulting".
I grew up in the cold war. I’ve done the drills. I know both what the fear of an all-out nuclear holocaust is, and I know that the reality will be something entirely different.
Did you not see what happened to Russia’s latest Satan II ICBM? Thankfully that one wasn’t armed.
No, you don't know that the reality will be different. This is something that has never happened before, and only a certifiably insane person would try and downplay the horror of a nuclear war.
Did you not see what happened to Russia’s latest Satan II ICBM? Thankfully that one wasn’t armed.
Do you know how many missiles Russia has, even if a tenth of them go off we're all fucked. And frankly, people who don't care about dying can just kill themselves any time they want. What fucking right do you have to gamble with billions of lives of other people?
All mega cities flattened. Hundreds of thousands of people next to nuke hits are blind and are fated to die as there is nobody to help them. Fires and destruction everywhere.
Toxic cloud rain the size of large city like New-York near insta-killing everything on its path as it moves with the wind. Hundreds if not thousands (one per each nuke) of toxic rain clouds at the same time and there is nowhere to hide from them. The only solution is to avoid them, but it is impossible due to destruction, debris, and loss of transportation due to EMP from nearby nuke. Mountains will not be safe largely due to toxic rains.
Loss of almost all food storage and drinking water to destruction and toxic contamination.
Inability to grow food for several years due to contamination.
Nuclear winter (there are some doubts on this topic as well as contamination).
Lack of food and drinking water. Deaths from starvation and dehydration. Deaths from taking contaminated water and food coming faster and more terrifying than from starvation.
Survivors will envy the dead and follow the dead.
Only people in bunkers with years in supplies will have a chance.