What a load of absolute horseshit that speech was.
"We'd be well served to remember the long and cherished tradition we have in this country of settling our political differences at the ballot box. For nearly two and a half centuries our nations elected officials have properly resisted the temptation to oppose their political rivals through the weaponization of our justice system".
First of all plenty of Congresspeople, Senators, Governors and lower politicians have been tried, and sometimes convicted, for crimes before. So he's full of shit on that point. Second Republicans did endless investigations of Hillary Clinton and found no law breaking, but they definitely tried their hardest. Third although every President since at least since Eisenhower has been guilty of war crimes Trump is the first to do garden variety white collar crimes. Of course he's the first to be charged with them! Fuck this guy.
They only care about the law when attempting g to apply it to others, but get upset when it’s applied to themselves.
I think politicians have always said whatever suits them at the moment, but the absurd and immediate public hypocrisy these days is just incredible. It’s not even couched in subtlety, it’s immediate and in your face.