More than 100 protesters were arrested — yet few injuries reported — when NYPD officers in riot gear descended on Columbia University late Tuesday, using tactical strategies to clear the occupied Hamilton Hall and lawn encampment at the request of the college, as anti-war demonstrations at U.S. camp...
If anyone wondered what would have happened in the US if the US had a wave of protests similar to Hong Kong... This is what would have happened. In fact, this protest seems better organized, more structured, and a little awe inspiring to be honest
Now the question is if the students can organize en masse and march on the capital to occupy the Capitol.
These kids are already being attacked by state security forces using more weaponry than the Jan 6 traitors were facing and your conclusion is we need more peace?
Coordinated peaceful protests never achieved a major right.
Coordinated peaceful protests are what an authoritarian system tells you is "the only way to go, bcs we don't want to get attracted when the majority wants a change we the few don't want" ...
Even if you think a revolution is the way to go, you don't do that by marching on the capital. Control of a building doesn't give you control of the government. The Jan 6th people were fucking stupid. How you would do it is dispersed action that can't be broken up or tracked easily. I don't know how people are so stupid to think taking over a building would do anything. What reality are you living in?
A march on the capital as a protest could be good though. It won't change anything itself, but it could motivate people and show there's interest in the movement. Not an actual invasion of the capital, but a large group showing up to demonstrate.
Wait ... you think ... Jan 6th was ... a protest?
Im not Murican, but that doesn't seem right.
Also I think I was clear that Im taking about protesting for rights, like how we got 5 day workweeks, women voting rights, etc.
If eg a military coup happens I do not think anyone would label it as a protest.
Also, protesting is a fairly democratic thing to do, it's not about occupying some university building (like, what even are the damages?), it's about letting your opinion to be heard, to get attention on the issue, to let people know it's not just them.
And our (current) society is such that people pay attention (& education on the subject) by how 'loudly' they hear it. Ofc media is part of the problem (for profit or gov controlled both lead to less professionalism), but so is most people barely having enough time & energy to survive, much less ponder issues, organise, make change happen, etc.
Wait ... you think ... Jan 6th was ... a protest?
Im not Murican, but that doesn't seem right.
No. I tried rereading my comment to see how you got that, but it seems fine. It was a very stupid attempted coup. You can't do a coup by taking over the capital building though. That's not how that works.
I may see how the confusion came. By "march on the capital as a protest", there's been many protests that use that term to refer to marching on Washington D.C., not the capital building itself. The comment before used that phrase to also include "to occupy the capital" referring to the capital building like Jan 6. That is not a protest, nor would it be achieve anything.
Oh, yes, re-reading the whole thing I see that too (and I might have been too confrontational for no reason, sry about that, wasn't even intentional).
I was then really replying to just the last paragraph how only peaceful protests are ok. The fact that the comment was predominantly about Janny the Sixth and intentionally relating it that to "protests should be peaceful" I automatically disregarded as bs and focused only on that last bit of propaganda.
Coups however do often include physically storming buildings (or having access to it by default) to seize the legislature powers & using some sort of "official" pathway to power (just to have a basis for the administration & military to now follow the new regime as if technically nothing changed).
Yeah, I'm not the one who said peaceful protests are the only way to do things. I disagree with that. Most effective protests are called violent even when they're not. The state will use violence against them and then claim they were violent. Peaceful protest can be a useful tool, but it isn't the only tool. Storming that capital building is not a useful tool though. It's only useful if you want to destroy a movement.
Coups however do often include physically storming buildings (or having access to it by default) to seize the legislature powers & using some sort of "official" pathway to power (just to have a basis for the administration & military to now follow the new regime as if technically nothing changed).
Sure, but it's rarely, if ever, control of the building itself that gives that power. If you can control the people who wield it and force them to grant you power, that's how it happens. That or kill them all and become the de facto controllers, but that requires a large military presence around the nation and that's what gives power. That's probably required in the case of any coup for that matter. Some people are going to turn against you and you have to be able to stop them.
HK was hugely coordinated though. It would be like if not just a campus but the whole city was in on it because they knew they didn't have a choice, and the tactics were more specific to what would work against the CCP, not the US. If it was in another country that wasn't an oppressive autocracy, it would probably have been very effective.
Edit: hey downvote if you want, but tell me something like this doesn't take coordination:
This is... Not evidence of coordination, but of network effects. The same reason that hockey fans descending into a riot after losing Game 7 of the Stanley Cup finals is not an indication that they organized a riot.
Liberal media in HK pumped up the young full of lies in HK so they would protest against a country that would provide them housing, a better quality of living and most importantly; democracy. Its a hard truth to swallow but more HK protestors killed other HK people than police vs HK protestors...
Something most people in HK dont have as an account of being a british colony for 100 years.
Man you're fucking stupid if you're anything but a troll or this is a bad joke. The capital building is just a building. Taking control of it does nothing. It's just a good way to destroy a movement. You don't put all of your biggest followers into a group to do something illegal in a way that makes them easy to track and follow, especially when achieving victory still does nothing except getting you arrested or killed a little while after and doing nothing.
Congress can operate operate out of any building. They operate out of that one by tradition. It doesn't hold any power itself. If you take it then now you have control of a perfectly normal building, not something powerful.