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Labtec6 If it's solid, I'd say part of a spring from one of the front struts. Otherwise, no idea what part it could be.
3 1 ReplyVigilante Unmark yourself as a bot unless ofcourse you intentionally did it.
1 0 ReplyLabtec6 Wtf I need to change my password
1 0 ReplyVigilante Why ? Just untick the box that says mark yourself as bot or somethin its easy if your own jerboa.
1 0 ReplyLabtec6 I didn't write that post but it was on my account.
Edit: I think I did it. Been having to deal with a lot of hackers lately. Having to change a lot of passwords.
2 0 ReplyVigilante Ok then you should definetly change the passwd and maybe go through your post and comments and nuke the ones you didn't make ?
1 0 ReplyLabtec6 That was the only one. Changed my pass on all instances. I'm going to do more investigating now. Thank you
Edit: fuck. I was high on weed and did write it. I cleaned it up and restored the post. Fuck me.
6 0 ReplyVigilante But thats what an imposter would say to convince me that your not in any issue.....
6 0 ReplyVigilante Don't mention it happy i could help .
2 0 Replydingus Lmao it was funny to me how someone would hack into your account on some obscure website and reply with such a benign, non advertisement comment. Glad you got that cleared up haha!
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