Your change in attitude is going to be so funny when it happens in your little circle. You’ll even be angry at me because you were wrong in advance and knew it.
I had a friend killed last year, another friend with him survived with 8 bullet wounds. It's fucking infuriating. We don't even know who did it. Just a couple assholes walking up to a couple guys playing DND at the park and unloading on them.
I can't say mass shootings, but I personally have been shot at once. And at the walmart I used to work at 2 different people were shot by police in the 5 years i was there. I also saw someone pull a gun while I was there but luckily the cop was already coming back because of the fight. There was also an incident while i was there where a guy pulled a gun on the OGP guy because he took to long to get the groceries out to the car.
Oh yeah ive been held up at gunpoint. Literally almost forgot that one.
"mass shooting" usually means one shooter and multiple people hit. So a drunk, mad guy at a party who pulls out a gun and shoots 3 people will count towards the number but probably not make it past local news. Not every mass shooting is a school shooting or terrorist attack, but those get the most attention.
They’ve become so common, they’re mostly unreported now unless they’re unusual in some way, like the Maine shooting by a Guardsman who was watched by law enforcement for months in advance.
Yes, mass shootings in the US have become mundane.
I'm starting to feel like I was right by not wanting to move to the USA. Like, sure, the tech salaries here are 2-3x lower, but I'm more than 2-3x less likely to die in a shooting so I think it balances out a little bit.
Your odds of dying in a shooting are virtually zero unless you hang out in schools for fun. Media wants you to feel this way. Stop being played by the media.
Odds are significantly higher that you’ll die in a car accident or from cancer.
Well the car deaths being on the rise is also a policy failure. We're letting car makers make cars that are better at killing pedestrians. Kind of sounds familiar....
And sure the odds are small I would get involved in a mass shooting, my kids who go to school however literally have school shooting drills.
But how? This would be like 1.65 mass shootings each day ‽
It's because 99% of these mass shootings aren't spree shooters in a school or public place. What pushes the number so high is street type stuff; shootings outside a bar or club, rival gangs shooting at each other, or drug deals gone wrong.
The point is to lump school shootings and terrorist shootings in with random personal dispute shootings and gang violence shootings.
That way you hear about all these mass shootings and think that ~30,000 firearms deaths per year are mass shootings instead of ~2/3 suicides, ~500 "accidental", ~1,500 police, and up to 80% of the remainder being hood business. Actual mass shootings are a tiny number of firearms deaths and they are the poster child for the problem.
The majority of firearms deaths can be solved with healthcare reform, economic reform, and rebuilding the American community.
When the language doesn't fit the mold, I admit the first impression is to get them excluded. But even when gangs only intend to hurt each other, it's very easy for them to kill innocent bystanders.
I'm adamant that things like suicides should not be excluded from gun statistics. Many people who've attempted via knives/pills have survived, and gone on to say they regret their attempt and bounced back.
Because we're not having that many...once again it's a click bait title using the gunsrcool database which has been found to be horribly inaccurate....but anti-gun people love to use it as facts.
The remaining 59 could not be confirmed or disconfirmed by NPR.
Let me get this straight NPR hired out another group to call the schools and ask them if they had shootings and then if the person answering that day said no or couldn't confirm or deny it, they just said okay thanks and then counted it as not a shooting?
Lol wut
Good thing school faculty never lies about negative things, I guess!
Lol so your rebuttal to the article is because someone else called these schools? And that faculty lie? Did you even read the article? The way the gov. Got these metrics is literally how you just used to refute the point... it's actually worse because the gov. Didn't even call and get a person, they just had a
You and the others who don't like the data from a left leaning
My rebuttal is that it’s simply unreliable to ask random faculty members to tell you the truth about things that make their school look bad.
That’s not unreasonable, even for yes, this huge liberal hippie.
“We called each school multiple times for 3 months” tells me absolutely nothing. It could have been two calls, it could have been two thousand, but they are extremely short on details for some reason.
And since they outsourced it to a third party it adds another layer of obfuscation that makes it difficult to answer anything.
And finally, the way they settled on not being able to confirm or deny most of the shootings, but still phrased it as if kids shooting each other at school wasn’t a big deal. Like, seriously?
I’m very disappointed in the author of this NPR article, which usually does their due diligence on these issues.