When one of you are willing to offer up an alternative solution that even remotely resembles an inclination that you’re paying attention to the problem at hand- we’ll start taking you seriously.
Until then, you’ll remain the joke that you are to everyone with a functioning brain.
That accelerated with Regan and has been the status quo for every president since. Biden proposed a wealth tax and it got stone walled by a Republican congress. You could argue it's all for show but laying it at his feet is a little "mask off" with your intent.
Still likely a troll account just don't want you convincing the less critically inclined of insanity.
Edit: replied to the wrong person, this was meant to be a reply to the parent comment saying that "bidenomics" was the problem oops.
Sorry I should have been specific. I wasn't speaking about trickle down economics, I was speaking about the economic policies in general that tax the poor while leaving the rich mostly unaffected and while purposely building in loopholes.
This may not have been strengthened as much during times when Dems were in power but in the past it certainly hasn't been weakened, My argument is that Joe Biden has actually made moves to try.
The young know exactly who and what the duopoly is, so there is no muddying the water. They rightfully see that there is nearly zero difference between the two in policy or their commitments to Wall Street.
A critical provision applies to most U.S. corporations that earn more than $1 billion in profits. While under current law, these firms are subject to a 21% corporate tax rate, many pay less or no federal tax. Under this change, a new minimum 15% tax would apply based on annual income posted in a corporation’s financial statement, rather than the corporation’s taxable income, effective on January 1, 2023. "
Definitely the same as Trump's tax cuts. Lol. Fucking ignorant trash.
This type of comment that says their side is right… are just hilarious to me. Corporations bought your government through bill riders packed in 1,000 page bills.
Neither side wants to fix this mess, because their millions in campaign funding relies on keeping corporations and fat cats happy.
If you are in the bottom 95%, you aren’t being served by your government anymore.
This Conservative vs Liberal fighting is exactly what they want. Serves as a nice distraction.
Because being shot in the face is exactly the same as stubbing a toe. They both hurt- and because they both hurt- they HAVE to hurt the exact same!
Ah yes, because both are TOTALLY not owned by corporate interests, and both will shoot you in the head when they have the opportunity. Neither party cares about you and only wingcucks think that either party will deliver upon the promises they want and not enrich their corporate donors.
This type of comment that says both sides are equally bad are just hilarious to me. People riding the fence is what got us here.
I have heard a thousand variations of this same comment. This is not a very insightful thing for you to say. Unless you can add some specifics, I’m tempted to interpret this as you just regurgitating what you see on the internet.
It’s so weird you reference yourself here, when this is obviously not your own thought.
Liberals thinking they were voting for 'lesser evil' got us here. This is 100% on the shoulders of shitlibs that cant tell the difference between red fascism and blue fascism.
You still didn't answer my question. What solution do you have? "Biden sux" is true, but just yelling it over and over is not gonna further any leftist ideology...
They have no solution. Thats been the point of this the entire time. They shit on the discussion and walk away feeling smugly satisfied that their pseudo woke rhetoric made a difference to a bunch of people too busy scratching their heads and wondering what that dumbass was talking about.
God damn your takes are stupid. "zero impact". To prove a universal quantification false only a single counterexample is required. That's it. Nothing more is required and then poof you are an idiot. You sure you want to make that bet? You absolutely sure that voters have zero impact on policy or legislation? Cause, like, votes determine the passage of policy where I live.
Oh look. Votes determined the legality of cannabis. Was illegal before then votes then not. That's a policy change BTW in case you are even more confused than the average stoner.
Done! I've proved you wrong! Congrats! No further effort by anybody is required to prove you are stupid. Just one example was required. Nothing more.
You implied, that it was implied, by the comment you responded to. The KKK is a terrorist organization. There’s no implication that a terrorist organization gets to advertise just because they paid, in the comment you responded to.
This anti-Biden website, being anti-Biden, is not in the same category as the KKK.
So the answer to your question is no. The KKK doesn’t get to buy ad space on that radio station.
Sure the worse case scenario would have been a fucking disaster, but the truth is America is still on the path to ruin. Things are still getting worse, just at a slower rate.
I'm here to help and provide information or assistance on a wide range of topics. If something seems weird or if you have a specific question or topic you'd like to discuss, feel free to let me know, and I'll do my best to assist you!
No, it's not parties that are entrenched, it's laziness and complacency. America could have a viable third party, the status quo could be shaken. But it would require a bit more drastic measures than just canvassing and making YouTube videos. It would require an election boycott campaign to shake the legitimacy of your democracy (and with two parties that serve the same corporate master, just how legitimate is it in the first place?), it would entail a period of instability with perhaps something even worse than Trump emerging for a while...
But by and large, Americans are comfortable. Despite the economic downturns, despite the drug zombies in the streets, most Americans are not ready for the hardcore sacrifices that are necessary to drastically change a political system.
So you trudge along, always choosing between two piles of shit, carefully weighing which pile is a bit smaller and stinks just a bit less. And you say, this is democracy in action!
Nah dumbass you need to sit the fuck down and shut the hell up. Trump sucks, his fans are losers who support a fucking loser AKA worst president in American history. You had 4 stupid ass years to show what he could do. All he fucking did was take more golf days than any other us president in history, and get on his knees for Putin. Oh, and he was legally impeached twice, and is in court because the whole universe knows hes a stupid fucking loser who got caught breaking the law and lying multiple times. Not to mention he's sexist, cringe and gross everytime he speaks. Your whole account is ridiculous, all you do is spew nonsense and act like it's a factual statement. GFY nazi, get the hell off lemmy and go suck trumps shrimp clit on truth social with the rest of your proud boys.
I'm not the one in an echo chamber darling. Dems are as delusional and as cultish in the protection of their cult leader as Republicans. MAGA is no different than BlueMAGA
Much less of one than what happened under Trump. When disaster struck, Trump's first thought was to bail out big companies over actually helping the people. Infact frequently he put the people dead last. At least Biden has done and tried to do a few things for the common person.
Just wait until you learn who cranked the interest rates down to nothing and handed a bunch of free money to the rich at a time when supply chains were almost completely shut down during the pandemic...
I feel like that doesn't get discussed enough. The supplements provided under trump hindered way more than they helped. Might I remind you that those were promised and then delayed because Trump wanted his fucking name printed on the checks. Outside of that, the paycheck protection program was a disaster! So many companies took advantage of that while shitting all over the employees that that was supposed to help. All the while, mom and pop shops and other local places got shafted because the mega corporations tapped the fund. Then it all got forgiven?? You've got what is essentially neutered unemployment benefits performed solely to act as a clout grab, and you've got hyper inflation into the absolute wrong end of the scale of where it should go. More people focus on the former instead of the latter like the latter never happened.
Everyone knows it was all bullshit but try to remember nearly every day of all four years of Trump's presidency, and months prior campaigning, were filled to the brim with bullshit. Many people, myself included, just gave up on politics for a while after he lost to Biden just to try and stay mildly sane.
Donald Trump shut down the entire American economy by force, while printing trillions of new dollars into existence. Trump ruined the American economy, and likely started WW3 in the process.
Wait until you hear that Biden kept the guy that cranked down those interest rates, the same one that now has interest rates for homes in the upper 8%. Then kept those tax cuts for the rich, while pretending the inflation was due to supply chain issues and not capitalist greed.