Older people always remind me to change my clocks for Daylight Saving Time.
I haven't used a clock in years that I need to manually reset. Older people don't seem to realize clocks on phones and other devices reset automatically.
Stove, microwave, and two battery-operated dial clocks here. I didn't go anywhere today, so I'll find out in the morning if the car needs it. I honestly don't remember. The Rice cooker just cycled back to correct. :-)
Here in germany i think there's a radio signal being transmitted on a dedicated frequency that does nothing but distribute the current time information to digital devices. It's really useful!
That's existed since at least the 60's, maybe even earlier.
And electric clocks used to get their timing from the frequency of the electrical system, and power companies would compensate for any daily variations by changing the frequency over night so any timing systems would be back in sync.
Commercial buildings often used these kinds of clocks.
Are you sure you're talking about the same thing as me? Sounds like devices use the 50/60 Hz grid frequency instead of an internal resonator/frequency generator to count forward the seconds. But it doesn't tell the device "what time is it now" when you first switch it on.
Most of us don't bother with that. The only clock I manually change is the one on my car. The other appliances are always blinking 00:00 from whenever the last power outage was.
Mostly all of those too, except my cars. My cars grab their time info from GPS and update automatically. Have for the past few cars I’ve had, but they’ve all been German.