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HappyFrog Play Pathfinder, like an adult.
20 6 ReplyBartyDeCanter Pathfinder is superior to D&D ethically, morally and mechanically. Fight me.
18 2 Replyporl I'll fight you! In a game of Pathfinder of course.
8 0 ReplyBartyDeCanter Roll Lore: Gaming for initiative!
6 0 ReplyHeyThisIsntTheYMCA
I got two wizards and a skull. What the fuck is up with these dice
5 0 Reply
Let people play what they want to play.
10 2 Replyjjjalljs Sure, but every time someone's like "I'm going to do a game of secret modern day vampires doing political intrigue in DND" I'm going to judge them.
17 0 ReplyHappyFrog Sorry, wanted it to come off as a joke. I think Pathfinder is better, but I love dnd too.
4 0 Reply
I'm over here enjoying Changeling: the Dreaming.
7 0 ReplyObsidianZed Branch out and play all kinds of systems!
4 0 ReplyHappyFrog Would love to, but I don't have that amount of time or money.
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