It has a very acquired taste: liquorice, anis (main Ouzo ingredient), and some other herbs I'm not sure of. It's sweet, but just the right amount. I like it, but there's many people who dislike the taste. If you have the chance, try it :)
I'm pretty sure it's just about impossible to get your hands on it here (unless you live in turkiye or syria, those are close to europe so should be easier?) but that sounds good honestly. If i ever go to europe i'll 100% try it. Fat chance, but if i ever do. Thanks for describing the taste btw
As far as I know you can only get it in Slovakia and Czech Republic (maaaybe Poland, but not so sure about that one)
Source: am from Slovakia, but living in Nordic country now.
Really?! Thats actually really cool that it made it all the way to Canada! I haven't honestly really looked for it here where I live now, it makes it that more precious to me for when I return for home visit once a year.
Nice! Do you like cheese? If so, try to find the fried cheese, it's called "smažák" or "smažený syr" - it's deep fried cheese with fries and mayo - sounds simple, but it's the best unhealthy food you can eat!