While I do not believe the US will actually invade Canada, I don't imagine the F35 would be much help in that situation. I am sure there are remote access capabilities to cease their operation, at the very least.
The tariff go around happened last time, which is how we ended up with the NAFTA replacement. The "51st state" nonsense was projected previously, which is more about his ego and his belief that he has a lot of support in Canada.
Edit: I suppose I should expect reality to be offensive to people at this point, yet I'm still surprised. That's my fault. Continue living in fantasy land, ya'll, and I won't interfere with the truth again.
You have to enter a password to start up the F35. That password changes every day and USA needs to give these passwords. Locking a country out of the plane is as simple as stop sending the new passwords.
Hmm, opinions on the internet on if that's true are mixed at best. It's a level of control I'd be shocked anyone would accept. Someone on Quora is saying most countries weren't even happy Lockheed Martin manages the supply chain and maintenance software.
the potential for an invasion is precisely the reason you don't want the f-35 around. that warbird is the most technologically dependent device ever crafted for warfare. it is deeply vulnerable to an adversary with the knowledge simply bricking it remotely and you're kidding yourself if you don't think the us military wouldn't brick all of them. the better plan is to train with prior gen jets and asymmetric combat using drones.
Russian drones are better. Fiber optics overcome all radio jamming. Destroys all the things. Ukraine does not have excess production. Canada peace with Russia means that NORAD is us protecting the US, instead of allowing their BS that they are protecting us. US should pay a lot for NORAD.
that doesn't really make sense given that the situation is that the US and Russia are aligned and Canada is not aligned with them. if Canada were aligned, the F-35s wouldn't be a concern at all
I don't think an invasion could realistically happen. 1. Need congress to authorize a war that would impact U.S. soil and 2. need the military which isn't under trumps thumb
But making sure they have another deal is smart, probably delay the f-35, and get maybe the euro fighter or so.
Solid planes and itd be horrible for U.S. to lose a military contract in NA to an EU. Get the military industrial conplex pissed at trump.
I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but the President has a 30 day authority to use the military anywhere in the world. After 30 days he needs congressional authority. He can get a second 30 days while that's going on and if Congress says no then he has to remove all troops within a final 30 day period.
If Congress never says anything then he effectively has a blank check.
Your best bet would actually be to run TV Ads trying to get the military to refuse the order. I think a large percentage actually would. I also think he's going to invade Mexico first and if he does invade Canada he'll do it like the Russians did Ukraine. (They told their troops it was a training mission and then only told them at the border that it was real)